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racking II producttrends into 2015however the market was down 9 2%Networking andvaue in 2014 and GiK expects this decline Storageby Oscar Damandfor mobile computing continuesWith organisationsincreasing amount of data, saleMobile computingnetworking and storage grew significantly2014 The B2B networking sector grewat the /T product market to review lastin value, while the UK B2B storageB2B mobileuting market overtake themarket grew by 188% Storage Areaecast where things desktop computing market for the first time Networks(SAN), in particular, saw strong014 As workers continue to demand5% in value, GfK expectsPoduct newse UK IT marketmaller screen sizes and lighter laptops,storage to continue toduring 2014ith greater focus on mobility rather thagrow by a similar value- although the SANthe dramatic fall in tablet salespower, GfK expects further growth in thisbelow 100% thisDespite growth across most other sectors market-between 1% and 5% during 2015w its headline figure decline in valueThe switch to laptops and agile working by Demand for lighter more energy efficientarge employers has also resulted in growth3 8% Although tablets are set tolaptops, also helped SSD sales grow bythe docking station marketcontinue falling during 2015, GfK expects886% in value in 2014 GfK expects thistechnology trends such as mobility andwe would expect to continue this yeardata growth to have an impact in otherTabletsUK Retail IT 2015combined with as fair to say that this market is now2013 GfK panelmarketHigh end desktopmeans the 2014clines are setnovation seems to have dried up, withtalysed by Pc gamingontinuemost brands only able to offer thinner andand media editing GiK expectster versions of their existing tablets
Asdesktops to grow again in 2015a result tablet sales dropped by 133%6but the growth will slow down significantolume and 218% in value during 2014Gik expects this market to decline furtherPeripherals (both gaming andin 2015 but this is unlikely to be more thannon-gaming) have benefited214%val3from desktop growth toer strong growthwas in strong growthDesktopsand GiK are expecting this toDespite a strong start tocontinue into 2015rowth in desktop computer sales in the014 driven by the ender market Endingof Windows XP support886%valof volume decline, this market grew bydesktops ended the93%vland lookSSD growthbe facing furthercontinuesmarkable turnaround, for a productdeclines in 2015dominate themany thoughd disappear, hasstorage markets, and 20been driven by two factors: demand forwill be the year where theproductivity and gaming, GfK expectsis growth in the consumer market toAn emphasis on lighter, more015022%portable laptops drove ASP+25%Vp in laptops, even thougvolume continued to declineUK B2B 2015
ProductsPRODUCFORECASthe movers and shakers// 1:45by Danny Bradbury2014 was a surprising year for the rindustry in many ways, but what will itfor 2015? Danny Bradbury askedcompany GfK have revealedsome surprising sales results forhnology products during 2014One thing that came out of the researchvery clearly was that tablets are in declineIt's hard to deny%o fall in tablet valueand a 133% de declinehappeningss the board in both thesectorshealthy 41% growth in 2015 for thebrid devices, typified by HPscablefactor, which sits in between Revolve combine the best of both worldsabets will still be significant in the growth the smartphone and the tablet at aroundof mobile computing going forwardnchesowever" think longerthroughmputer They also feature keyboard2016-18, the tablet and smartphoneThat's a healthy figure, but morrishaccess, making content creation easierategory could become a nsing star
That' s been around for a little while, buthnologist at HP UK and Ireland Gthe past we ve focused on the CPU underfigures bear his predictions out; in midHybridse keyboard deck, because there haveanuary the company said that it expected "At the moment we have a clearbeen limitations in how much horsepowersmartphones to grow 7%overall in 2015 differentiation in performance trade-offscan get behind the glass, "Morrishys "There are fewer compromisesIt's also worthwhile noting mobilebetween tablets and laptops, he sayswith next-generation chipsets andcomputing will also include different formfactors very close to the tablet in size,with a tablet, or get the heavy work doneManufacturerssuch as phablets GfK is predicting a verywith a Pccertain sized chassis if it has sufficient
cooling to keep the processor stable, but "Consumers, especially in western Europe, Morrish describes thls example of hoowerobilee concerned about datatechnology, citingdevices always balance power efficiency security and privacy, which will further lead desktop technologies will evolve In theenabling companies to get the CPU behind alternative payment methods, he saysGtK's survey last autumn showed that just Regardless of whether the desktoThis is something that microsoft has donepeople in the UK werewith the surface Pro 3, a device thatterested in wearables as a paymentspace over the next few years, HP believeswent through a shaky start but which is systemat windows stronghold in enterpriselooking promising for 2015 In its Q1 2015 People are still likely to buy smartwatches, will loosen A survey of IT decision makerseamings report, Microsoft revealed thathowever-just for the sheer sexiness of the published in mid-January showed thatit sold $908m of the devices, outpacingtechnology GfK predicts a 637% increase 42% of respondents still viewed Windowthe previous model twofold, as customerssmartwatch sales in the UK in 2015as critical to their business but this is abegin to wake up to this new productrelatively low number given the iron gripDesktop Pcsthe operating system has traditionallyenjoyed in the corporate space MoreWearablesn the traditional computing world desktop diverse operating system strategiore prevalent insations with aYou may ask, with tablets sales dropping tablets last yearidentified a growthcomprehensive brng your own deviceo more realistic levels, what alternativedesktop computer sales, ending severareas of product innovation are emerging? years of volume decline-at least in theook to wearables, argues Joseph Bradley, consumer market Yet in the businessWith tablets reaching saturation pointce president of the loE practice for Cisco market, sales decreased over 9% in value
exciConsulting Servicesother mobile products, given that there" The price/performance ratio is a keyis a strong pull to mobility hardwaree does admit, however, that the adoption factor, "says Momish "You get prettyand software among consumers andof smartwatches among consumers is still unrivalled bang for your buck in termsesses alike Technology alwaysvery low With Apple's smartwatch still not of what you get from a desktop vs ainspires innovation, and where one producthipping at the time of writing, the marketebookarea stagnates, another will become thesuch wearables has still barely evenWith that in mind, HP is continuing to drive focal pointfeature developmentsrward the desktop PCit's nice, however, to see the desktop PCSome of the current killer appsits showcase designs, launched in lateparables are as companion devicesSprout This desktop machine introduction Clearly, there is at least somee in the old dog yeteveryday services, from transportationreplaces the keyboard It enables users toeting through to payment systems Yetctly to the machine, andBradley believes that there are challenges manipulate text and images virtually on theat will slow the adoption of thesprojected fiat surfaceDanry Bradbury is a freelancetechnology journalistMagazine 13
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Mobile devicestrategies arentjust about phonesFlexibilitysuch as health, construction and retaThis ecosystem of accessories allows theompanies likenstance artame standard core device to be usedadamant that any mobile strategy mustAntony Sawasa range of different use cases ofering abe based on fiexible gadget choicesgreat deal of fiexibilityet each specific job done That includesManything from smartphones and tablets teAccessing databusiness leaderstraditional laptops and hybrid plastrategies to improvethose devices that work as either a mobile Morish advises that companies mustcompetitiveness, increase productivity and clamshell PC with a full keyboard or thathave their eyes on the big picture andefficiency, and get closer to customere converted into a tablet by detaching that's big data He says theythe back ends in place to efficiently collectCompanies have lookedthe screeobile data thCRMhnologyrt flexible workingERP and othersystems tocreate"actionable intelligence, to ensureemployees demanding to use theithe night data gets to the night person atgadgets for work
But mobile usage isJames Morrishthe right timechangingHe adds:"That's not always easy, and asAs welg mobilepantingre concerned it's not just aboutshare files andnicate with otherspersonal systems fhrowing everyone the latest tablet andK and Irelandsays:"If thereanning), CRM(customer relationshipoo much focus on only smartphones anddeed, many organisations thinkmanagement) and data analytics forstandalone tablets then some benefitsthey are well down the path towardbusiness intelligenceof mobile strategies may well be missedGartner analyes says the mobile In many cases it is better givitexperimenting with varous approachesapplication era ushered in by the iPhoneis now being replaced by the ' servicee productive for them to use a lapand wrestling with inherent Band social era He says: "The serviceor a hybrid, rather than a tablet or aand social era will build on the application smartphoneFor a successfully integrated enterprisebut it will be characterised by cloudWhen it comes to successful mobilewide mobile strategy, Morrish saysservices and streaming media Applications strategies, Morrish says it is all abouthat some organisations may needa component of having the right apps, data and featuresoutside consultancy help to make sured experianthe night devices This is something HPthey remain on track He says: "Someinvolving the cloudelf is focusing on with one of its productsganisations believe they are morerward on mobile than theyGartner isdvising enterprises toknown as the Elite Pareally are, while others areevelop a mobile strategy based orWindows 8 Elite Pad tablets are beingsure where they atechnology-independent managementtargeted at specific industries by way ofals and styles, rather than detailedardware jackets being offered with thedevice, platform or application policiemachines, to work in industry verticalstechnology journalist
Business transformatioThe businesscase fortransformationhere is no point making changes with organisations Businesses that fail tofor theisake, buttransform their operations to meet thesedemands from theirRob Bamfortstablished markets can disappear almost it onceoeats can emerge from anywhere anded that sie of organisationAnalyst Robovernight- businesses need to be ableinsulate businessesthese types oto be flexible and prepared For manychangesthis willembarking on a significantBamforth assessesanywhere and the instantaneous impactransformation as they try to become more technology has had on social connectionsagile, efficient and effectiveFacebook
Twitter and otherlow organisaTionsThe most important drivers behindsocial media means that none are safethe need to transform are customerCommercial momentum can slow thecan betteperience, according to 55% of UKeffect but for example in retail whereusinesses surveyed for The Future ofloyalty (or apathy)etained customersWork research report by Raconteghty supermarkets are showingmeet customefollowed by 45% saying innovation arobvious signs of stumblingexpectaTionsWhile the second two might seem toWhat needs to change?be heading in a different direction to theThose surveyed believe that the topchanges to have the biggest impact otechnology have brought masrofitability were, by a long way ahead, theconnectivity, a diversity of means of access ability to respond more rapidly to marketmobile devices, tablets -and, heading opportunities, followed by better use andto the near future, more ways to collecechnologies and theat marketing, senior management andInternet of Things Theseare the key departments to be leadingtransforming thee transformation of an organisation, it isclear that businesses need to be lookingncreasing everybodyoutwards as well as within transfomiexpectations of how they the customer experience and transformingnteract with each otherthe working environment to better serve theas indIiduals as well
WelcomePeter robbinsManaging Director, Probrand Groupone of our Group Magazine generatingpositive feedback from private and public sectororganisations and a‖lof the IT supplychain, I'm pleased to introduce issue two Our aim witthis magazine is to tackle contemporary issues relevant tocommercial, procurement and IT teams, and this time weveadded extra pages of great content from the best IT writers tochain(p22)and procurement (p27), exploring strategichelp us do itand how to secure relevant technology at the best pricee're particularly pleased to prowide an exclusive interview withWhatever way you are looking to innovate it is potentially goingrown Commercial Service commercial director of technologneed some form of extermal suppoelp you realise yourarah Hurrell, on the new ways government will buy IT(p27)goals and make that technology work harder for you WithWe also hear from Spend Matters editor, Peter Smithat in mind, D
that bice and refreshSo we've dedicated a section(p6)to the intelligent nevproducts delivering smarter ways of working We also explore business processes The big question is, how do you intend totechnology device trends and developments(p11, 12)seize the moment and innovate in your organisation, what arethe changing landscape of ICT infrastructure (p44) andyour key business and technology priorities? We're keen toassociated security challenges (p34)hear your storyWhen it comes to buying this technology, we appreciate thatmany struggle to validate best value on every purchase amidprata highly volatile IT market, where price and stock fluctuateter Robbinsanaging Director, Proband GroupThe Duke o Kant, 5 Apprenticewedgekube, 6
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ewsechnology research in brietFlexible working could helpCloud computing adoptionUK save 2115bnto double by 2020Allowing people in the UK to 'work anywhere, at arThe number of small businesses fully adopting cloudd cut half a billionwasted travel timecomputing will double by 2020, a study by Emergentaccording to research by Ctirix and cebrResearch has claimedThe study, which claimed this would leadSteve King of Emergent Research "In thiE115bn, also found that 96% would take up the optionandscape, many peopleg the power of thework flexibly if it was offered Jacqueline de rojcloud to re-imagine the idea of small businessorkplace mobility will lose out in the war for talent andneeds
" A separate report by IBM has found thatarguably suffer from lower employee productivity40% of decision makers believe cloud computing hasalready delivered major improvements in organisationalefficiency and provided competitive advantageConnecteddouble thdeBig Data changing theThe number of wireless connected devices in use globallywill more than double before the end of the decade ancompetitive landscapeABI Research study has claimedAlmost nine in ten large enterprises believe Big DataThe analyst claimed wireless device growth, whichanalytics will redefine the competitivscape of theirse above 40bn by 2020, is being driven by machine tory over the nextthree yearsmachineunications Aapo Markkanen, principale study by General Electnc found that 73% ofanalyst at ABI Research, said: "The driving force behindenterprises are currently investing more than a fifth ofthe surge in connections is that usual buzzword suspecttheir technology budget on Big Data A separate IDCthe internet of Things (oT)alone is expected to experience annual compoundto be defaultrowth of 305% during the same time periodconnection for all devicesWi-Fi is increasingly becoming the defaultconnection for both mobile-mobile devicesThe analyst attributed the shift to tablets andmartphones, which it safast becoming theconsumption It predicts that more than 50%will use these devices first for all onlineactivity by 2018
Productstelligentthings the futureot technologyby Danny BradburyThe future is coming, but what is it going Internet of Things (loT) technologies andlook like Danny Bradbury spoke tosoftware APIs, developed both internallytwo market leaders to find outand with third party vendorsmost people, the future isThis is one example of how evolvingsomewhere off in the distancetechnologies will change the future forshimmering mirage-like, just above tomorrows businesses The future ofthe horizon For Chris Shaw, it's already technology is perhaps one of the mosthere, just around the corner, in a deserted exciting places to visit Both Shawand Mark Deakin, partner technologytel's director of I sales and marketingstrategist for small and medium bufor EMEA and Asia downplays theat Microsoft, see a lot of potentialat Intel employeesloT, which includes not just industrialdon't get to see new technologies muccontrollers and household appliancesahead of anyone else
But some of theut wearablesstories he tells suggest that he gets to visitwhat most of us consider the future on ahe Internetof ThingsHere's an example: Intel has several smartmeeting rooms in offices around the worldAny employee can go into the room, swipe(NFC) or a Bluetooth tag, then the housetheir badge against a screen, andwill know that I entered it, says Deakintheir calendar of appointments, he saysn the future he alsosystems within buildings that talk to eathat employee is talking to someoneother and even to external servicesse in a virtual meeting, the system willHow about a building that automaticallyutomatically connect them via videoonference to the appropriate meetingThis vast array of connected devices,ranging from wristwatches to carsWe are orchestrating that using a buncrevolutionise the business and consumerof technologies, says Shaw These include worlds alike in the next few years, says
Shaw In the future thSuper-brainshopes to implement other showcasehnologies, including one whereor everyoneemployees can use meeting rooms that arebookedkey part of this is the cloud, says Deakin usewhich will provide a back-end processingOne technology that we re implementing platform for this constellation of objectswith our loT sensors is smart sensingand the people that use themactivity and traffic in meeting rooms, hethe computing power tothings in the backgroundas no one in it, it becomes free It'sdevelopment, he says, "Things like of the most requested features among cloud computing enable the smallest ofntel employeesorganisations to pay for thatWe are taking our technology andtime, the combination of cloistory, the great quality and results fromputing and big data analytics wilthe PC business and reusing the sametechnologies and techniques, he saysprovide new decision-making capabilitiesfor ewen the smallest businesses DeakinThese devices will transform the way that hopeswe interact with everyday objects, expertHis local pub complains to him that it canuggestt asself-contained entity, but as a collectioeasily predict which days are going to beservices connected to a unverse of othersbusy or quiet
This leaves the managguessing how many staff to put on thatWe could create incentives for peopleday, which in turn affects the pub's abilityon a long journey, he says "Their vehiclthat they're 20 miles away fromon and that the level of fuelCloud computing will be able to taketraffic and weather information, andevent-driven alert that provides an offer forbine that with their existing revenuedata, he predicts "It may find out thatmoney-off fuel if you stop at a fuel station inhe next cityif it's May and between 20-25 degreesContinued
Productseveryone is going to come out to the pub, Cortana, which will notify people if traffic is related to them? It all sounds a little tout if theres traffic on theen though bad and adjust travel times for upo984 Theelement seems to bethose things combined meanappointmentsssing somewhere That's why privacythat people won't Challp for theand identity are going to be so important inlittle guytechnology will become more finegrained, and able to infer far more thaents vendors with a challenge,Machines that learn it does today, Imagine, for example, aThe next stage in this development widigital assistant that tracks the kindvenience and securitye machine learning, Deakin suggestsnformation that will probably be needed" Whatever happens in that space, whateverthe cloud is good at anything, it's usinga business meeting, including not only we do to put the nght levels of controlselastic computing power to process largepast interactions with an attendee, butace,it will be perceived as bureaucraticnts of data in new and innovatermation about nearby Asian restaurants, muses Shaw about security, adding thatways This is happening at a microscopicgien their like of Korean foodcompanies need to take advantage otevel where machines are able to learnThis kind of intelligence will also transformoden technologies to make things moreatterns
Google's machine learningbusiness processes such as customeralgorithservice, Deakin says It could help make That's the part of this utopian story thatYouTube videos and learned howcompanies better at anticipating customer seems to be missing Qute how wedecide what a cat looked like- all without needs He gives an example of being able protect the sovereignty of our data in thisto draw data from an online stelligence that we have never seen before to a customer's wearable fitness trackerclearit isn't entirely certain that theThings will alsobeyond that asThis could lead to some interestinginterests of technology companies andconsumersmputers begin to draw inferences free calls, he suggests:"Youger, more disparate patterns, such as been practicing for a marathon, so we'l Countlesstravel and meeting data, for example "We gwe you an offertrainers in fourst year and a half make a pretcould use things like image recognition as rather than six monthspeople walk in to an establishment, so thatstarted to get privacy and identity rightrecognise clients thehe connectedthe present As the word advancesays That publican dangersowards context awareness artificialwouldn 't even have to ask bob if heintelligence, and computers that knowIt's clear that this hyperconnected future you better than we do ourselves, we'dMachine learning will be able to makecoming, but it also brings its dangerbetter learn quickdecisions for people, " heaving cabout your daily habits, and then havingDanny Bradbury is a freelanceGoogle Now, and Microsoft'scompanies calling you to sell you things
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ProductsDevicerethinkby Gary PriceGary Price urges people to ask whether employees actually need that big beast a bulk order of laptops withessorsthe device they are set to buy is really the oftion with massive computinbest tool for the jobower, or would they be equally well served On paper theay look impressivehe range of computing devicesby a standard desktop or even a thiIt may well be, however, that the majority ofwith appears to be endless It isoo often organisations will buy devices fine with a laptop with an i3 processojust down to us to decide the bestwithout suitability in mind For examplewhich would have cost f400 per unit Yopossiblean education institution may buy a setd end up with the receptionist, havinglonger are we restricted to a desktopof computers because the colour ofamounts of computing powera laptop, we can use a tablet, a phablet, an the lid matches the colour of the schoolat will never come close to full utilisationbadge Businesses also need to beof options is getting bigger all the time
wary of personal egos and internalbetter for buyers to concentrate on whamanship, which sees individuals withi/hen making a purchasing decisionis trying to achieve beforean organisation push for devices thatpeople now need to forget about whachoosing the device It is also worthe powerful than what is reallythey knew ten years ago and look at whatking about how they will actually usethe vendors are doing today The questiothat device If the business has a clthey should be asking is not how much Too much powerstorage facility, do they need a terabytecomputerget with my money??butstorageather ' what am I trying to achBuying too much power is a commoProbably notwhat is the best tool for that job?heme which results in businesses wastingroughsation with a trustedCertain individuals may be stuckuge amountsney And it happens reseller, engagement with vendortheir ways and say that they want a 15ith careful research, buyersnotebook because they have alwayple, when vendors are trying toused a 15 notebook, A procurementift stock they may be willing to offer aand achieve large savings in the processofessional cannot afford to think that way, healthy discoucertain products AGary Price is produtcategoryhowever They have to query whether their buyer could get the resellers to agree to seger at ProbandProband group Magazine