Dear EmployeeYour job sucksCreate New Income streamshrough Automated MarketingWithout Quitting Your Job ret/By Rob toth 27AM NetworkCopyright C 2006 27AM Network All rights reservedlast revision July 2006 /ver 'su]This /s a complimentary ResourceYou may forward copies of this book to friends and coworkers offer it as afree gift to webpage visitors, send it as a gift to e-zine subscribers, post it onyour website or share thenmodified copy as you like However, youmay not copy excerpts or modify the book in any way Also, this is a free resource and thus you may not charge a fee for itimits of Liability / Disclaimer of warrantyhe author of this book used his best effort in preparing thithor makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, aicability, fitnessthe contents of this program
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TABLE OF CONTENTSPREFACE-4Video Tutorial #5-336 Marketing Case Studies-34Case Study #1-Shoe Polish -35CHAPTER 1Case Study #2 -Fishing Gear-36troduction Money Through MarketiCase Study #3- Personal Development537he down escalateCase Study #4 -marketing Software -37he hardest work you will ever do-6Case Study #5-Weight Loss/ Diet-3840CHAPTER 2ays to Generate IncomeCHAPTER 5he Money of Marketing-8The role of a job -46What Is Network MarketingAnecdote: Skipping Winter-48Why Word of Mouth?Don't Have Any Experience-49nk as the business owner-12About alternatducation -51Video tutoriaWhere Are You Looking For Your Extradeo tutorial #2-14come needs?-52It's a Pyramid Scam-14Cant I Just Find a better Paying JobUnderstanding Leverage-16Video tutorial #3-17When Everyone Is Zigging(And Theyhe Pyramid Shape and CommissionAre)-54d-18What about Work At home Jobs?-54hat is Affiliate Marketing -19But Profits business and all this jar$1,000,000 in One Day Two Case Studgon
I Don't Know Anything about Ales-21This -55One Million Dollars in 24 Hours-22APPENDIX56CHAPTER 3ow Can YOU Make MoneySkepticism and Conformity-25Note About Hype-26Recommended next 3 actioUnderstanding Misleading Advertising -27Resources mentioned in this bookCHAPTER 4Other Projects by Rob TothWhat does residual income look like3About the author Rob toAutomated Money: Understanding PayPer Click(PPC) AdvertisiVideo tutorial #4-33
PREFACEDear Employt has come to my attention that you do not enjoy showing up to work at gamevery moming and apparently you really dislike having meThe problemalking through the door a minute late(our policies stipulate that all employees with being unare to be at their stations 15 minutes earlywe don t pay for those 15 minutethat youur time, but we certainly want you hereemployed isthat as soon aYou have voiced your opinions(with many adjectives /don 't careyou get out ofabout the work that you do and theyou recervebed, you're onhe wages are set at a fair level that are on-par with performance Yes, /havethe jobaken a salary increase every several months for the last few years but thatsply because the company is profitingemployees are doing Unfortunately, our budget for wages has not grownLast week was in the staff room and I overheard you say, Good news guys,only 7 hours and 59 minutes to go While it was an intelligent observation,somehow got the feeling that you didn ' t want to be at workork you do isn t all that pleasant No tvyour job sucks
/wouldn 't want to do it In fact, I don 't want to do it That's why la desk and pay you as small of a portion of my profits as /can getaway with so that you'll do the work But for these paychecks, I expect a smiled a lot of productivityor the above stated reasons, I would like to congratulate you as you have justeen promoted to customer This is effective immediatelyPS Id like to think that over the four years of you working here, you have alsotaken the initiative to establish other sourcese/'d like to think that youdidn 't allow yourself to become entirely depeothers to provide you withd like to think all this, but /'m sure /would be wrongHow CanYOU MakeExtra Money?rs Smith, asked the interviewer, "have you alFind out onActually, yes, said the applicant modestly "Last year I had twoPage 56short stories published in national magazines, and I finishedVery impressive, "he commentedwas thinking of skillsyou could apply during office hoursDear Employee,h explained brightly, Oh, that was during office hoursYour Job sucksAuthor -Rob TothPAGE 4
tor? You will have put in more effort than you really need to(asearby there is an up escalator as well)but you can still get halfway to the top and maybe even right to the top But what happensyou stop walking(working)altogether? You end up at the bottomContrast that to earned income What happens if you dont show uprk thk(other thckposition of customer)? If yont work, you don t earnyou dontearn, you soon end up at the bottom(financially) Thats becauseloyment is a dependent income model
It isupon your energy and your time And while there is nothing wrongwith hard work( have built ponds dwinter while it wasaining I have worked 90 hours per week with 2 full time jobs andpart time and have worked 15+ hour shiftsrestaurant), hard work will only produce large financial gainss used to create more and more independent (automated)incomestreamsas long as you rely entirely on a paycheck(slave to the wageyou may achieve self-satisfaction but not financial comfort and cewont get into what you need to or should do I'm simply going toshow you where some of these up escalators are At some poinyou've never stood on an up escalator(stay with the analogy ),itmay be uncomfortable and it may even seem too good to be trueHere you have been puttingthis effort to get even half way ondown escalator and here I come along and tell you that this sop escalator allows you to simply stand on it, and through itsautomation, can take you to the top? EXactlyConsiderWhat stops the average individual from stepping onto the up escaHow CanatoYOU Makeack of kneExtra Money?Find out onLack of education is addressed in this book as well as in the handfulPage 56of key resources that are highlighted conformity( thinking like everyone else and following the large group )is the opposite of courage,but it's also a decision one that only you can makeDear Employee,Your Job sucksThe hardest work you will ever doAuthor -Rob Tothhe hardest work yoever do(if you choose to)stand that what is presented in this book is likely the easiest wayPAGE 6
rtant the hardest work you will ever do is to realize justhow simply you could be creating additional incomeDon 't read thalay indeed be challeng-ng to step out of your own way bring in logic and reason and recat whlegitimate means to daresay it easy money Disclaimer: As stated, it will only be"easyonce you did the hard work which is learning why and how it'sPrison or work?n prison, you spend the majority of your timeend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicprison you get three meals a dayAt work
you get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay forprisonyou get time off for good behaviAt workyou get rewarded for good behavior with more
worklocks and unlocks all the doors for youcarry around a security card and unlock and opertch tv and play gameset fired for watTV and playing gamesAt wison you get your own toiletn pnsonAt work ,, you cannot even speak to your family and friendsHow Canby taxpayers with no work requiredYOU Makeyou get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then theyeauct taxes trom your salary to pay for prisonersExtra Money?prison you spend most of your life looking through bars fromFind out onAt work you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go in-Page 56there are wardens who are often sadisticted time to read e-mail jokesDear Employee,get fired if you get caugYour Job sucksAuthor -Rob TothPAGE 7CHAPTER 2Ways to generate IncomeBrainstorm some of the ways for creating extra income You could "What's withmake a list with hundreds of ideas but focus in on the ones thatclock? It'scan be set on autopilot or has automated/residcharacteristics(meaning free of your time as you have work, the called an alarmkids, responsibilities and everything else eating up 24+ hoursclock Is thatyour every day)how were supsed tore low investment and low risk('m guessing you don' t have wake?$250,000 sitting in the bank ready to invest into a business nor caralarm?you afford to lose largeof money)provide high yield poteaA part-time job doesn't qualify Stock investing is out Real Estabittersweetisn' t an option Neither is building the next big tech company Even symphony, thhe dependent and nigife
Trying toMarketing, howeveWhole different animal That' s what wereere to talk aboutslave to moneythen you diehe verve Bit-The Money of marketintersweet symSpecifically were going to examine two marketing modelsof buildphonytion of customers who, through effective word of mouth screate additional customers)andnternet marketing (we'll look at direct response marketingonline and affiliate marketing)How CanYOU MakeWhat is Network MarketingExtra Money?he concept of network marketing is so smart, so simple, so hassFind out onfree and potentially so lucrative that it would benefit every employeePage 56to quickly become familiar with it The challengefaltim to this same simplicity and turning it into a"sales job" which iswhat many untrained network marketers tend to doWhat then, is network marketing? It's the business of word of mouthDear Employee,marketing Giving an incentive(financial incentive in theofYour Job suckswholesale discounts and commission checks) to a satisfied cusAuthor -Rob Tothmer in order to have them educate a friend, family member,coworker(etc)about a product/service There are a few more technPAGE 8
calities but let's keep things simple for the time beingIt may also be useful to better understand what word of mouth maketing is and why it's so effective in businessWhy Word of Mouth?People act onven the world's largest advertisers, Proctor and Gamble, have only a tiny, tinytheir attention focused on word of mouth because, depending on handful of theyou look atthousands ofthey receive from friends and family as the 92% most influentialads commetheir buying decisions(VS traditional advertisingcials and salespportunity toreceive all their mobile calls free to the friends and family that joinceive eachfer a free month service for every new customer referred parWeb hostweek But thact on many ifnot most of theven mcDonald's used a woouth strategy in launching therecommenda-Red Box dVD rental machines They launched a contest that askedfromtofoof their friendsto go to McDonalds and rentD from the red Box machinetrusted adads entered this same password as a coupon code, they sorseceivedee, while the original reGeorgsSilverman Theferrer was entered into a contest to win $1000Secrets ofnstead of putting up billboards, running television advertisementsWOM Marketinganng celebrities to promote these new Red BoX DVD rentalMcDonald's recognized the intelligence of word of mouthto refer and create a y created an incentive to encourage customersdhile the majority of businesses ignore the growing strength ofword of mouth in this sea of too much information where consumersare becoming desensitized to advertising messages that bombardHow Canwhere they tuof therter firms(includingYOU Makene majority of the Fortune 500 companies and other new emergingExtra Money?fast growth innovative leaders)are looking at how to create a worof mouth(how to create a network marketing) structureFind out onPage 56And typically, the best of these companies are the ones that arethe forefront of a lot of other " new ways of thinking and"new technologies" They arent the me-too product developers
Some oflese companies take an approach to completely devote their entireadvertising/marketing efforts to effective word of mouth They dDear Employee,velop strategies to get their customers talking(to create more cusYour Job suckstomers) These are the"network marketing" companies This simplyAuthor -Rob Tothmeans they have a referral-incentive program and a compensationplan based on standard network marketing compensation modelsPAGE 9
at are some of the ways a company could get their customersThtalking faster and more frequently? Give them incentives Yes, diswomen try necount coupons and free products might do the trick But how aboutproducts is aa part of the profits from the referral of these new sales? Againrefers to satisfied customerscusterlfriend putsthrough conversations Nothing new heredo it all the timean arm aroundher and sayseres a little catch phrase among network marketing plhis stuff isalsfantastic Youought to try itThere are two types of people in this world Those who receive a It's word ofals and those who domouMichaeltworksSilverstein aushare our opinions on what product/service we like and what wethor ofdon 't like But the majority still let the companies keep all the profitsreasure Hunt:while a small percent of the crowd are now also gaining tax advang increasingly larger checks for these same enInside the mindof the new con-(Why tax advantages? Becatwork marketer
independent contractor and in business for yourself That businessentitles you to tax deductions for a variety of activities Check withyour local tax professional, but the meal you have with a friend(ifyou mention the product/service which you are contracted with)becomes tax deductible, the ink for your printer, percent of your intenet usage, percent of your phone bills, and much more can becometax deductions Yet you aren t doing much that's different You aretill basically just saying"Here, check this out This is what /'m using and this is what like about it" meaning you are still recom-mending products and services as you a/ways have been, but nowhave a business and new income stream based around thiske a frienda realtor hHow Can(and do) send him referrals as they come up in conversatioYOU Makeknow someone is in the market to buy a home or looking to sell and Extra Money?ds a realtor I refer themsseda tinanciaincentive that if one of the customers I refer buys, he will hand over Find Out On$500 as a thank you Again, he's setting up an environment thateally fosters word of mouth by providing this financial incentivePage 56Now, if i refer someone it won ' t be because of the $500, it will bebecause he's a friend but also a professional at what he does andknow that my colleagues would be in good hands working with himut having this extra thank you and incentive allows me to makeDear Employee,e that i have his contact information and business cards onYour Job sucksAuthor -Rob TothNetwork marketing does the same but with more structure and oftenPAGE 10