SocialutionsManagement methods for the social eraE-Book EditiCopyright october 2008 by Link to Your WorCopyright Trademark, Warnings, and DisclaimerAll Rights reserved No part of this book maduced or distributedanner without express written permission from link to yourId, llc
Every effort has been made to represent trade and service marksaccurateYour world llcssumes no responsibilityors or omissions oOrinaages that may occur as a result of applyingormation andpals containe-bookSocialutions: Management methods for the social eraThis book introduces the breakthrough management methodology ofSocialutions as the premier innovative management methodology to beemployed by businesses This methodology changes the way businesses areptured by addmedia technologyd incorporating custoof products aAdopting Socialutions as a methodology means that peopand organizations will leverage technology to interact with one another fohtatedividuals to workboratively to create new solutionscommunications and to interact without boundaries and with limitless reach
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSs e-book was created with the support of individualsobal virtuasocial networks whose postings comments, questions, and observationswere a source of information and inspiratioWe thank the founders, owners, managers and technical support staff of thThe emerging and developing mediums and their leaders enable us to shareour interest in and knowledge of social mediaIn addition we thank the users of social media who continue to push antoderovements
ContentsChapterSocialutions?Socialutions: A Process, Product or Philosophy?Six PsSocialutions?How Do You infect minds?Chapter 2 Is it We the peoples?W Fast Is web time?verything in My Place?Who are the social mavericks?Chapter 3 Has the Game of PR Changed?What Are virtual chain reactioDo We really Want Customer service?Collaborative socialutions
Where does collaboration fit ind cManagement StrategyCustomers can get satisfactioWith sunChapter 4 Branding in the virtual WorldAre Ads the Only Advertisements?Will Advertising Methods shiftAn Iceberg for brands?Who Controls brandChapter 5 How Digital Savvy Are You?Trust the Biggest FactCompanies Play Catchall?Will Video create the next shiftA Virtual broadcast network?Chapter 6 what are the five social media Business Factors?What Are the Enabling Factors?
What Are the Empowerment Factors?What Are the enrichment factoWhat are the enticeWhat are the five social Business factorsChapter 7 An Influence over Capital?The freedom or power of speech?se?Does Business need innovationow Fast Can you get to free?ReadAim?Does revenue come from free?Chapter 8 Leading Business Solutionsow Passionate is businessA MeshRight pe? RSolutions for businessow Bright Is Future business?Chapter 9 Socialutions: What About Results?Socialutions Implementation Strategy: Taking Your CompanyWhat Are the keys to business transformation?What are the business solutions?About the authorsnk to your world
gureFigure 1riving through Mediaony Laubach
ableTable 1Types of Advertising Trusted by Internet Users Wordwide(eMarketer, 2007)
ChapterWhat is socialutions?b representsproblems, information, andcareer opportunities in a neworganized structure Thedity and dynamics of thSocialltiopisderstand this newsing a combination of wordsfrom our establishedhe Wiktionary defines theterm solution"asAn act, plan or other means used or proposed to solve a problem2 The act or process of explaining or proposing an approach to solving a3 A homogeneous mixture, which may be liquid gas or solid, formed bysubstances(chemistry)4
The answer to a problem(mathematics)5 Satisfaction of a claim or debt (law)The word social has come to mean many things but the basicdefiCharacterized by or in
clined to living together in communitiesOf or relating to the structure organization or functioning of society3 Something worked out to explain resolve or provide a method fordealing with and settling a problemas peopcommunities and organizations leveraging technology to interact with peoplefor the purpose of solving problems, the act of working together with othersto create new solutions to old paradigms of comtions and interactiowithout boundaries and with limitless reachhis definition best defines the new paradigm of problem solving and findingredefinesganizational and institutional methods used previously to manage peopleand groups as well as customers and suppliersWhen a new method or paradigm is introduced the old methods andsets must be thrown out in order for the new method to be trulyptimized Optimization of knowledge comes from the collaboration of manyand wisdom can come from the crowds or swarms Yesterday'ss solutions tocustomer service, product developmean resource management and ast of other traditional organizational processes are being turned upsidedown and inside ouor those who are currently using pre-social media managementmethodologies, in order to adapt and flourish in the new paradigm they mustderstand the dynamics, theOtherwise, any attempts to leverage the new paradigm by forcing it to fit intoate soctions and the old problemsrther, the results will be worse than previously experienced becausepeople do not want to be tricked into something that is not real, social, andvolvesding solutionsCompanies must begin to apply socialutions to tiblems before the problems become social and public relations nightmaresSocialutions is about uniting relations aimed at a common purpose UnitedRelationsfoundathttp://www
linktounitedrelationsorgpromotesthisoncept and is a movement for users to organize and setagendauture of the webSocialutions: A Process, Product or Philosophyftftnabled by the knowledge of what drives the social dynamics of today 's webThe new knowledgeTransformational Requirementstranscendshe quality Mthe eighties, tdsope Definitiat is neitherod[BuNo水Rprocess(although processesBusiness Process Redesihilosophy of a newement paradigm Theabeled sociacludesRange of Potential BenefitsSource Venkatraman(1994, p 74)Powered By the social Web
1 Tapping into the organizations greatest resource: people (employeesrs& suppliers) fordbreakthrough ideasEngagingonest conversations without corporate spin or3 Enabling customers and suppliers to assist in the rapid improvementanizations feedback loops4 Charketing to conversational marketing5 Removing corporate barriers to honest and open conversations ie power and political barriers6 Leveraging"free"technology to improve processes products and7
Responding time to issues and critical conversations is targeted atate8 Finding ways to leverage social media that breaks down barriers andeduces cost foreve9 Learning how to listen to the voice of the people repeatedlyducation becomes a constant -a mus0 Leading the transformatiod askiveryone toThe converging dynamics of open conversations and technologicaarkets atyourbusiness cannot see that the train is coming then it just may beitting on the track looking in the wrong direction At some pay be sed as to how fast it is losian existing or new company that has embraced the transformation beforeThere is a lot more to learn but even more to forget socialutions isnsformation of mind and heart for businesses and their relationships withones job but leaders have to agreehat things need to changeSix Ps Leadership Socialutionsber of twebfor business purposes However, most approach it as a marketing mechanismrather than as a movement that requires a new management model iforganizations are truly going to optimize socialutions