Main CharactersPerithnea: Marjorie's protective faery queen who agreed to be adoptedinto our family, providing guidance and protection with a sense of humorGod advisor andMetatron (aka light Mother ) An Archangel ofwho watchedloved Marjorie from early childhood, Ove author and much, much morevolunteered to work within the Alliance, es tablishing a precedent for faerieswhich lewithiNucleus sman/extraterrestrial hybrid bom in Egypt in the2713B C, during the construction of the pyramids at Giza, who is SupremeLord of Security for the vast, mult dimeral Univers al alliance federationd civilizationsablein six dimens ions simultaneouslyeen dedicated to protecchildhood and became a trus ted friend and family memberMarjorie (a
k a Star One): The former wife of the author andchannel within her lovehas suffered greatlybenefit of
man gray spAlliance who part icipated in several medical proceduresnjuries and illnesses of primary charactersthe allianceleus 8's superior before his apvointoto Dard ofTwelve ofand tickling people, who joinx as he was touching a tree bes ide a(a k a Asalara, Reachesskins One who sees by the red moon at Night , BMember Positionbled medic ineRex and mdramat ic healing during a spiritual journey to the red moorRaps ar: A teacher of Vikings and deceased pilot of a sabotagedIt which crashed hSpanish Peak in southen Colorado
He provided Rex and Marjorie withdirections to a powerful stone at L'anse Aux meadoe wfoundlanhic with a histchanneled Rapsar, enabling him to resume contact with his mate Clairetrin iathrough nucleus 8vy: A green faery and Perithnea's friend, who loved Dorprovided physical evidence of her existIsabel (ak a Shadow):A heastructor, good samaritanand friend to Nucleus 8, Rex and Marjorie, wh
ContentsThe Channeling StartsSpiritsCommitt2ore4Coping with Change 95tact RevealedLose s45
Platypuses and Implants 15Spider womana Cheap Child 163New Family Member 168terdimens ional Surgery 179Re leasing Anger, Fear and grief 214An er from the past 237Wedding bells and odd Tales 286A New world 299rangers lthe Ancient Ones 315A Carpet of Flo wers 324Magic nec klace 36Ties that Bind 387AM414A Powerful Light 425N
Lure of the sacred peaks 476Spreading the word 492Rapsar and Family Roots 527White buffalo calf 546TagalogRe lease the anger 585Spirit Hunter 59Caterpillar to Butterfly 599Speaking Out Solo 609Compatibility 616Tanner heals 6
aeries, Angels, Indians and Aliens
yrght 2013 by Rex P Haire, Ph Ded
Except as pemitteer the76 no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or trans lateanabastrievalFirst Edition: 2013Printed in the united states of a merica
Introductionears993I becd in using regress ion hypnos is to help personswho hadppreries oftrialsr persons who rema ined in treat ment long enough not onlyxperiencedtion of their fears thrather than harmful and felt that theyluntanily agreedbenefit of mankind and planet Earthber of indymatized btact and hadrted a pos itive desicTs to do just that, although the news media tended to focusabduction, intrusive med ical or sexual procedures, being terrified, etc, whiclfartionalen I decided to devote a portion of my time to doing hyprasked God for assis tance Soon I was receiving support for my new endeavorhat it seemed miracullumatizedy
ng that gave me ceobtained the specializednd before loho at the handsbeen repeatedly abused sexually, phys ically and emotionally from earlyled to our encounter In the midst ofsychological crisis, an independent entity speaking with theok control of hed bodher fhe child-like entity Little One I obtained Little One's permissionder to help marjorie
e provided much assis tance over thethat followedher real name was perithnethat she had chosen to help Marjorie becauseshe had sufferedMeanwhile, Marjorie began to channel addguardian angel, Alta Sha, wheain her to become a more proficient channel Asshe bits of deceased persons, especially NativeAmerican spirits and liv ing ex raterrestrialsnorma lly dwe ll indimension parallel to our own from the m we leamed that the ets had takengular vis itors in our liveAlthough most channeled entitiebenevolent, several possess ingbeautifulLight, exerted neeffects on her mentally, emotionally and physically They had to be expelledand some stubbornly resis ted Marjie's guardian angel, Alt Sha providedch needed support and advice during difficult evictions I couldhimtheaction when working with hee developed a very close relationship with Marjonie's primary Erprotector, Nucleus 8, who had been her mentor since early childhoodeventually became a daily companion Nucleus 8 took a keen interest indeveloping close relationships with other selected humans and borrowedMarjorie's body for that purpose
We learned thathad made certainur personal DNAnal familyys ical and spiritual joumeys on behalf of oupiritual family We experienced many surprisingnts whilech of theem CanadaMany of thespired by the needs of naAmerican spiritsleaders in a transformed world Nuc leus 8, who is Supreme Lord of Securityibly vast, multidimensional Alliance comprised ofhousands of civilizations, revealed that an Earth-like p lanet has been preparedr the eventual habitation of selected humans and other intelligent specieinets likeThe etided medical treatmencltofrleaseeveral occas ions The spirits and physical interdimensional beings who
independent exis tence when they were not channelingItitude of highly improbable, synchronistic events thatmysterious and often surprising Divine Plan, Alta Sha told meoteworthy events which i would someday use to write a book fifteen yearrk
bose who hayieved in the reality of a spirtual realmbeyond the fives will open their hearts to the often overlooked bearound us I hope that readers who already believe will find information thatlengthens their belief This isory of how those loving beingsally blessed us, for whichaily thank God and
AcknowledgementsFirst, last, and alwaysank my Heavenly Faidat I wished to write about, Because of his ans wer to my prayers, I met theincredible Marjorie Ann Through her love of God and all His creatures andher willinide so that others might speakwhich these volumes are based I have been truly blessedc Inbeautiful Light of this cl of I AM
her channeling abilitiesthers liv ing on earth, as is hercontain the transported spirits of phys ical beingspirits we encountered through Marjorie's talents deserve our deepestanks for sharing their hopes and aspirations with us and for inviting us todangered humanity makeslanetunless ankind changes its enllyam very grateful to our extraterrestrial friends and family members whoallo wed me to write theirhare our reception of their lovethank our angelic friends and guides for their dedication to i Am andlacing the steps before us which the Creator decreed They cons tantlyts ide myself and leave it there Their love is irreplaceableMany thanks to my son Chris, the family software expert, who spenthog to his computer illiterate fathe
Finally I wish to acknowledge pioteractions who inspired me to pursue the use of biofeedback rela xationlimited to Drs, Elmer and alice Green
DrSheErikson, Dr win fred Lucas, Dr John Mack, and the incomparable olgaWorrall Their examples encouraged me to use the hypnotic techniques whichultimately ledtion of these volumes