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e best and most productivetechnologyut collaborationwhiteboards have alwaysPlus, they lookMakingmethbstacle to inspirand deeply immersive displna|5000true teamwork, as tntent- whethemeetingsto followmany meetings fail to stimulatetivate participants to contributeeir ideas and thoughts for a vaAn intuitive PC-lessproperly GmeiThankfully, interactive displays nohiteboard has a pre-installed playeryour large meetm displayxperience thatook at how the latestThey allow you to browse the web,and familiar with- it is essentially annteractive displayshow dots, share ideas andcollaborate on the big screencan promote creatIveshows or teproblem-solvingnations and engage their brafriendlyparticipanteract withother and becomewith creative and constructive input
nvolvedOtherwise, why bother having athe firsttypical presentation into a two-wayal content and essential dataWiFi Connectivityand allowSharing transformsteam communicationanything else on their screen witherybody in the meetingWith the Samseractive Displayyou can inject that much-needermproved decision-making at everyrgy aneetings The latest interactiveground up withPROBRAND MAGA
Choosing the rightAudio visual deviceAudio visual (AV) equipment was once more closely associated withchools, but these products are now common throughout modernworkplaces As teams look to collaborate and share content in groupsettings, interactive devices have become commonplace in offices Yet formany, a traditional projector may be just as eflective and cost a lot lesshe question is what Av device shouldTraditional projector and screenyou choose: a projector and screen, aninteractive whiteboard or the new kid onmay also be the cheapest option
It has the advathe block, the flat panel display? Thereare several factors to consider depending replon your budget, how often you plan touse the equipment and for what purposeWe take a look at the three options inop tipsmore detail in order to help you decidehe quality of display requiredPROBRAND MAGA
Interactive flat panel displaysthfs and blindsnteractive flat panel displays are an adoffering high quality LED images with multiple touchShadowingaused by theevices are pre-loaded with software so they cane used in conjunction with mobile or desktop devicesbuilt connectivity means that attaching cables is alsomind that maintenanceneeding to be cleaned and bulbTop tilake into consideration the time and effortthe device and whatDespite the initial upfront costs, lowInteractive whiteboardpower output could keMostly used in education butens are available in 4k or HD so there is nothe interactive whiteboard has the bontbrightness of theaving pre-installed software, which is used in conjunctiomputer and a digital projectorNavigation via pens or fingers allows you to write notesAllocate some of your budget to staff trainingg, click and copy
Text or drawingers get the most out of yourTop tiouch technology or 4k if the softwardon 't have 4k playbackse all thelity then this is perhaps not the righthiteboards are heavy and large, so work outpnycreativity than theal projectoboard is stidAlthotraditiout cheaper in the long run when factoringRob xenos, business and marketWhiot a stande tecys that before committing to the moredecide whether this will be right for all usbuyersobstaclesractive technolomeaning that products cannot communicate with eaothea lot of new options on the market and itfusing Buyers shouldaluate what they are buying They need to lookto use the prodcustomer decides, it's vital thePROBRAND MAGA
CASE STUDYAston manor breweryrets support to tackleIts growing painsLike many expanding businesses, Aston Manor Brewery hasexperienced its fair share of growing pains Formed in 198the company is now the Uks largest independent producer ofown brand and labelled cider for supermarkets and wholesalersWith Proband it has become a businesthan 185 staff, based in Birmingham and Devon, arather than a daily distraction, said Jaris
Weve been able to reduce and control our it overheadsupportinge effciently, eliminatwntimethe company's IT department But with the brewte ande usedthe IT infrastructure, the company needethat its systems were reliable thisable IT support function and it is the best decisionT manager decided tod have made given our growth forecastIT has become a business enablercognised that a 24,rather than a daily distractiondirectoinsure against any potential IT disasters and future-burdencompany as it expwas tan plan and forecast more effectivelymanaged support service from Proband On acreative, proactive approach of a full iT departmentwithout the cost This means we can foeffee strategically on growth knowing that oact productionactively deliver theaintenance needed to minimise pible worher to this, the brewery also received anti-viemployees with secure access to the network, staffurity and cloud-based disaster recoveryManchester Afiguration of IT and networkingsolutihavepabilityly from their desktoppany achievedof the offPROBRAND MAGA
THE GROWING DEMAND FORMULTIFUNCTION PRINTERSOH EXPLAINS WHYTHE DEMAND FOR TCTION PRINTER(MFP) IS INCREASINGThere was a time when offices had tocoh has certainly made a hube ready for anything they would needto invest in several machines from faxesdriveovate while listenito printers to copiers to scanners A lotchallenges they faced, led Ricoh to create the UK's most inof time would be spent getting all thesee uk market share for ricoh multifunctionprinters is 224%antly greater than their closesdevices connected to a network andpetitor
We, 10% of the single functioworking weprinter market space is taken up by ricolshare hasachieved due to ongoinas made life a bititiatives such as the Ricoh Quality Pledge This pledgeler and aance to return their Ricoh printerom a selected raMultifunction devices are bcomInbacked up byeported 30% growth in the UK MFP market since 20A vision for a flexible workforcehis growthfordablens that are all siaddition to this, and rather practically now that ofprint and copy devices, with in-built innovations andto make life as easy as possiblhese versatile machines are dounded solution for any offce space, as well as home offceworkforce mobility orfnd Ricoh screens and projectors forStaving ahead of the gameear, easily editable digital signage, A range of InteractiWhiteboards has also revolutionised collaborative workingFor decades ricoh has develonologies such asoffce printers, production printers, duplicaterencingevices, software and imaging Production houses and pritse that are helping to make Ricohes have relied onoductsMFPs a future-proof investment, shaping the world aroundats for small companies or large corporations As a brandfor better productivityPROBRAND MAGA
How are cios building theirorganisations digital strategyMark samuelsessful ClOs will piece all of thoseithin entewant to use their smart phones and tablets to connect acollaborate, ClOs and their trusted partners must workevelop applications that meet fast-changing custometdemands quickly and cost effectively However, meetingAdditGarthuggests the demandenterprise mobile apps will grow at least five times fasterganisations' capacity to deliver themDigital transformation is the newthrough 2017
SoCIOs help the business build abusiness constant a confluence ofstrategy that meets the demand for change in an age oftrends -such as consumerisation cloudand big data-continues to have a hugeDelivering on heightenedmpact on the way organisations operatecustomer expectationsThe scale of change during the pastCamden Council interim ClO Omid shiradecade has been remarkable vet all therecognise that, despite the huge focus on expectation duringa digital age, customers continue to want the same thingsevidence suggests more is to comegh quality services that are accessible and convenientectThe key change is that customers now want to accessbstantially or unresformed by digtechnology in the next five years, according to Gartlients don't alhe analyst sayshey do want organisations to offerservices that theydbanking and thecreate value As ClOsabout whatnd to theithin the business, will play a cruciaMcCabehing digitally enabled change at the luxuryaystransformation proiects thatCIOs should not make the mistake of mixing such advancesare drawing on bigPROBRAND MAGA
Demand for enterprise mobile apps will grow at least five timeser than internal IT organisations capacity to deliver themmply givingwhat they wiaccess to as many channels as possible in order to dwith typihe speed of deployment caretimes bees when tedlprovides the toolsan montwithoutaving to invest heavily in application developmentthe cloud for hosting offer a valuable tool when they aforms allowevelopers to create aelected for the right taskftware to eand drop editors Shiraji says CIOs should lead businesgreat success witlto collect and shar
e information across gehange and think about how their organisations can fullyexploit the valueerse and mobile teams, " he says " Low-code platforare also valuableg and training businessprocesses, especially in situato build the kinds of experienct customers might notcan be implemented with standardised design elementsually pleasing and easy to use, rather thanhe riseplhowever does not mean thean incredibly powerful concept in social care,end of traditional developersRidley says consumer-focusedor example where using technoable those withapplications, where app store ratings and satisfactioncomplex needsect to people who have overcomemilar challenges delivers a really positive social impactUnderstanding the role oflow and no-code platformsprovide a great way oflist Reed co uk, also recognises the potential poweare here to stay and are openinge says lowapplication developplatforms are often held up as the next generation ofThese tools are showing us a direction that will put mobilelopment within the reagreat success using thesesays Ridley " Low-code represents the democratisation ofplatforms to push applications to their staff and supplierbusiness logic and application developmentPROBRAND MAGA
WelcomePeter robbinsWelcome to the latest editionof proband magazineAs 2017 bepersonalised dsector and technical specialistsw Clearly visiblethe UKGfk (o 6-7) Were nces market works, for the benefdifference in what businesses are buying, howeveof both buyer andWeve witnessedwiththluenced by online shopping experiences withProband Magazine has also reviewedechnology Rob Bamforthedthe gof artificial intWhether it's for hardware, software or servsinesses (o 18-19), while Mark Samuels talks to ClOsbdg to adigitald AwsBradyooks at how these digitalon how technology can be incorporated within youngo vIsuwhy IT buyers and procurement professionals areto these marketplacesquipment(p12-13) and Jenny Brookfield speakingrotecting against cyber threats (p38-39contins a trend that has seen Probrand collaboratingechnologywith sister company Mercato Solutions to adoptreshape businesses- not least ourit does sofeechnical expertise necessad rurketplace platform Probrato support businesses innovating
Weorm in the IT market, connecting buyers with orhopping expeic Alpha Tower of centoffering customisationBirmingham So please feel free to drop by and talkanytime Uprocuremeof the Proband Magazirketplace connects over0000 IT products and serviced stock checkedIvers comprtai
BuasusessnatP4831 Business app trenAudio visual advice34 AppsDriving innovationMEs under threat40 Cyber Essential accreditation42ThehttpsattacSupply chaInfrastructureBeing a savvy buyerastructure staP12Procurement46 SANs still dominaContact us0800269629enquiries aprobrand co ukad aboproband co ukPROBRAND4 PROBRAND MAGA
Three quarters oforganisationshave embraced BYoDTechnologyAlmost three quarters (74nisations haesearch from Accusoft has founews in brief ov harthese organisations require employeese report said this is leavEmployees value mobile workingprivate networkapanyto a company car, research romBo working options Ofcom savs improved connectivityMost employees would prefer mobile working ophas boosted flexible workingechnology would enhance their working lives, withemployees looking for improved use of mobile devicesyeesaberationthem to adopt these flee who have iobs which involveCloud computing has become apublic transpomainstream powerhouse, says IDGMore than half of business applications andShift to cloud computing set toIT spendicorderprise repoh found that on average 45% had alreadectly or indirectly affectend a quarter of their budgets on clourept of cloudcloud-based servicegrowth in cloud technologies has pgeneration IT solutions such as the Internet of Thing
TRACKINGTHEITARDWARE UPRODUCT+11%MARKETDemands of modernbusiness culture impactedthe b2b it market in 2016Dominic ashford oflativelyof B2Bleading market researclbuoyant in 2016cked by GfKcompany GfK, takespared with 2015(NB: figures for Decelook at the It productcision to leave thmarket to review the latesttrends and forecast theinvestment in this sectwith theIture of product buyinggrowth rate in the five months since thereferendum increasing to 11%printers, storageparticung,with the yeaCOMPUTING9%
This demonstrates thMARKEmobile+9%Organisationadvanced hardware, demonstrated by the fact that8GB of RAM g9 Furthebusinesses increased by6 PROBRAND MAGA
PERIPHERALS UPMARKET USOFTWARE UP+40%+12%+10%from several areas including transceivers, routersrrelation here with businesses demanding highegrowth is the result of an across-the-board neevity Another area of growthby 22% in 2016 The value of the DDR4thin networking is docking stations, wlmarket however, haPeripherals printersThe fact that the software market declined by2% in 2016 is surprising, As with the storage2016 with thegh B2B channme period of 201ncreased 21% during 2016
Whatbthe directionment or attached salhas increased by 14% year on yearat comat facilitates remote working and shows howed earlier howevermarket that is in decrking cultureunderstandable given the move towards papffces and the use of managed-piOverallStoo summare b2Bpositives in 2016, and Breit doesn't appear to haveStorage has also seen aad a major effedata and backup that businesrkets when the separation takes place Whatay well suggest that organicloud storage solmprestorThe value of the B2B solid-state drive markeftware that protects them and facilitatesPROBRAND MAGA
TECH TRENDSEvolutMAINlan Nethercott, Proband SupplyChain director reviews trends in thecurrent technology products marketdetachable, they have become much easier to handWe've been predicting for about 24hs that theputing form factor to followPriceclosely-andt appears they haveAny new technology is expensive wheton the market You'l pay a premium for the new functionalityn contrast to the traditioas R&D costs money
But as the technology becomes moreandard, it also becomes cheaper to produce, hence thewave-Future Source predicts that 2-in-1s will grice will come down thanks to this devices that weredered out of reachdinary phis has been helpedte theseEnterprise mobilityStudios, feattarter when it came tbile technology Business users looking foresort to ios or Android poweret explain the rise of the 2-ineft IT managers with the pain of connectingThe hybrid conceptHowever with the convertthe ability to replacetwo deviapop and tablet-without losided by Microsofts operating systfunctionality Convertible 2-in-1s provide a full operatingonunullmsystem, which allows the end user to be as prodWith Windows 10 available on convertiblebusineeyboard meaey needse the office 365 productivforence butnow have familiar functionality whether they want to use8 PROBRAND MAGA
CASE STUDYReliance precision savedhree days each monthIT procurementA specialist engineering company, Reliance Precision is focused on producingcustom-built, highly reliable instrumentation to a range of global customersspecialist engineering company, Reliance Preciachieving best value They foundfocused on producing custom-built, higlProbrand's Digital Marketplace Europe's largestey procuring IT by delivering pricensureof the bpany requires more than 250 staff to haveto theequipment The procent teaStaff at Reliance prechoweverthe most appropriate tools was taking a significaneryday items such as laptops, desktops andAs the team was keen to achieve best price, then awould conduct a series of price comparisons via welbuy directave severa conversawitof over 300,000 products2
50en for routine, everyday itemd stock by thee founded prigoing back and forth to different suppliers to navigate checks each day it removes the needndbest price said Ben Sheard, IT AdministratRelis was a labour -intery usingPurchasing IT equipmentstreamlined the whole purchasing process arement team calculatestakes us about 30 minutes perweek I cant imagine going backe effective with their timhow we were operating beforg on other priority tasksefficient We would typically spend a couple of horement staff were also hnding thapullerspplers wong to answetock and pall the information and manually benchmarkinged otheprices, "said Ben With the Digital Marketplaceanos saw suppBen andeeded aPROBRAND MAGA
EVOLUTION IN AVRISE AND FALL OHE INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARDhe interactive whiteboard wasogy did, however, enjoy aconsidered a major advancement ilpart to the prevalence of handheld devices-most peopleal(Av) technology 2ng interactive wYet, for all its promise and tlvesteeinvestments made from the educationwhiteboards are now beginne uK as theogy has been overtaken by its glosector in particular, many were lefte interactive flat panel display
Xenos said: "People wilunder-used -becoming little moreow only buy an interactive whiteboard when they haythan expensive projectorsave their place but touchscreensestment but youggested that this was because ththere was a lack of training aThe future is flat panelwhat it cothe early 1990s there was an initiaget interactivearket share bwhiteboards in to every classrooproblems existeddor Alpha Digitalhavetworks The forecasted uptake is on an exponentiaeone come in next who didnt know how to userve upwards Once you've seen an LED flat panel displayut a projection-based system backboardgoing on all thend thQ:0019002:other roomeven other buildingnd the worldendors predict that, as interactive screens becomethe norm, users will end up deen more fromechnology Xenos paints a future picture that wouldays anyon★*Jenny brookfieldPROBRAND MAGA