Table of contentsSectionIntroduc tioWest pointUS Air Force AcademyUS Merc hant marine academU
S Coast Guard Academy348024713National war College (Nwc)National Defense University (NDU)US Army War CollegeUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesNaval war colle6906Defense laitute Foreign language centeNaval Postgraduate schoolDefense Information SchoolArmy Command and Staff CollegeMarine Corps University
Harmon, a key figure in the development of early plans for an Academyetirement by President Dwight D Eisenhower to become the first superintendentwo years later, Maj Gen James Briggs took over as the Academy s second superintendent On958, the wing of 1, 145 cadets moved to its permanent site from Denver Less than alater, the Academy received academic accreditation and graduated its first class of 207 on9 In 1964, the authorized strength of the cadet wing was increased to 4 417 Thent authorized strength is 4000erhaps the most contro vers ial event in the Acade mys history was the admission of womenPresident Gerald R Ford signed legislation Oct 7, 1975, permitting women to enter the militarycademies
Women entered the Air Force Academy for the first time on june 28, 1976 The firstlass includien graduated in 1980As with any institution, the Air Force Academy has suffered growing pains and continuesevolve Even in its relatively short existence, the school has excelled in its quest for excellenceThe acadeMInce2004 Three noteworthyevents occurred in connection with the celebration First, a 37-cent commemorative stamp wasssued honoring the Academy, with the chapel strikingly portrayed The Academy was alsodec lared a national historic landmark, and a plaque was installed on the Honor Court markingarmefficially named as the fatForce acadenoring the pivotal role he played in its planning and establishment Further anniversaries weremarked during the next four years, culminating with the 50th anniversary of the firscommencement at the academy in 2009The Academy has provided the air Force with a corps of officers dedicated to upholdingndards of their profession The Air Force, in turn has pro vided a proving ground for theseofficers and sent back to its academy dedicated staff members to edand train these futureders Fifty years after the first class entered, the Academy has now graduated over 37, 000oung officers' intent on serving their countusafa af mil/ About Us aspx)
US Naval AcademyMission of usnaTo develop Midshipmen morally, mentally and physically and to imbue themwith the highest ideals of duty honororder to graduate leaders whoded icated tond have potentdevelopment in mind and character to assume the highest responsibilities ofommand, citizenship and go vernmentWhen the founders of the united States Naval academy were looking for a suitable locationwas reported that then Secretary of the Navy george Bancroft decided to move the naval schoolt mutations and distractions that necessarily connect with a large and populous city, The Asthe healthy and secluded"location of Annapo lis in order to rescue midship men fromSchool was its predecessor Four of thefacdelphia Other small naval schools in New York City, Norfolk, vaand Boston, Mass also existed in the early days of the United statesThe United States Navy was born during the American Revolution when the need for a navalforce to match the Royal Navy became clear
But during the period immediately following theRevolution, the Continental Navy was demobilized in 1785 by an economy-minded CongressThe dormancy of American seapower lasted barely a decade when, in 1794, President GeorgeWashington pers uaded the Congress to authorize a new na val force to combat the growingof piracy on the highThe first vessels of the new US Navy were launched in 1797; among them were the UnitedStates, the constn,and the Constitution In 1825, President John Quincy Adams urgedCongress to establish a Naval Acader the formation of scientific and accomplishedofficers His proposal, however, was not acted upon until 20 years lateOn September 13, 1842, the American Brig Somers set sail from the Brooklyn Navy Yard on onetheignificant camerhistory It was a school ship for the training ofteenage naval apprentice volunteers who would hopefully be inspired to make the Navy a careerHowe ver, discipline deteriorated on the Somers and it was determined by a court of inquirboard ship that Midshipman Philip spencer and his two chief confederates, Boats wains MateSamuel Cromwell and Seaman Elisha Small, were guilty of a determined attempmmit amutiny The three were hanged at the yardarm and the incident cast doubt over the wisdom o
idshipmen directly aboard ship to learn by doing News of the Somers mutiny shockedThrough the efforts of the Secretary of the Navy georestab lished without Cofunding, at a / ge Bancroft, the Naval School wasmed Fort SevernAnnapolis, Maryland, on October 10, 184a class of 50 midshipmen and se ven professorThe curIincluded mathematics and navigation, gunnery and steam, chemistry, English,natural philosophy, and FrenchIn 1850 the naval School became the united states ninto effect requiring midshipmen to study at the Academy for four years and to train aboard shipsNaval Academy today As the US Navy grew over the years, the Academy expanded Ihe heeach summer That format is the basis of a far more ad vanced and sophisticated curriculum at tampus of 10 acres increased to 338
The original student bodbrigade size of 4,000 Modern granite build ings replaced the old wooden structures of FoCongress aut horized the naval acade my to be gin a ward ing bac he lor of science degree933The Academy later replaced a fixed curriculum taken by all midshipmen with the present corecurriculum plus 18 major fields of study, a wide variety of elective courses and ad vanced studyand research opportunitiesSince then, the development ofnited States Naval Academy has reflected the history of they As America has changed culturally and techno lo gically so has the Naval Academy Injust a few decades, the Navy moved from a fleet of sail and steam-powered ships to a high-techfleet with nuclear-powered submarines and sur face ships and supersonic aircraft The academyhas changed, too, giving midshipmen state-of- the-art academic and profess ional training theyneed to be effective naval offtheir futureThe Naval Academy first accepted women as midshipmen in 1976, when Congress authorizedthe admiss ion of women to all of the service academies women comprise over 20 percent ofentering plebes--or freshmen--and they pursue the same academic and professional training asdo the(liNk:https:/laedu/USNAHistory/index php)
US Merchant Marine AcademyUnited States Merchant Marine Academy is a federal service academy that educates andgraduates licensed Merchant Marine officers of exemp lary character who serve Amermarine transportation and defense needs in peace and war With 95 percent of the worldsproduc ts transported over water, these leaders are vital to the effective operation of our merchantfleet for both commercial and military transport during war and peace Academy graduates abideby the motto"Acta Non Verba"-deeds not words, and are leaders that exemp lify the concept ofervice above selfKnown for its rigorous academic pro gram, USMMA requires more credbaccalaureate degree than any other Federal service academy This challenging course workgmented by the Academys Sea year experience, which affords midshipmen the opportunity toacquire hands-on, real-world experiences aboard working commercial vessels sailinghipmen who master this demanding curriculum earn a uniquecombination of credentialsrded Bache lor of Science de greeUS Coast Guard licensen officers commission in the us armed forcesFor this reason, Academy graduates are highly sought after as officers in the military and themerchant marine This merchant fleet of efficient and productive commercial ships owned byU
S companies and registered and operated under the American flag, forms an essential part ofour domestic and international transportation system US Merchantindustry, which is vital to America's economy and cooSpelAll graduates have a service obligation upon graduation that provides the most career optoffered by any of the federal academygraduates can choose to work five years in the United States maritime industry witheight years of service as an officer in any reserve unit of the armed forcesfive years active duty in any of the nations armed forcesIn time of war or national emergency, the Us Merchant Marine becomes vital to nationalsecurity as a" fourth arm of defense Our merc halauntroopsforces and allies operating as an auxiliary unit tthe Navy The stark lessons of the twenty first century conflicts again prove that a strongmerchant marine is an essential part of American security and sea powerThe nations economic and security needs met by the us Merchant Marine are compellingToday, the United States imports appretely 85 percent of some 77 strate gic commodities
of the worl population, we purchase nearly a third of the worlds output of raw materials oitical to adustry and defense Although we, as af these materialsnsported by merchant vesselsut the most important e lement in a productive merchant fleet and a strong transportationindustry is people- men and women who can lead with inte grity, honor, intelligence, dedication,and competence The Us Merchant Marine Academy ensures that such peop le are availablethe nathipboard officers and as leaders in the transportation field who will meet thechallenges of the present and the futureThe Academy represents Federal involve ment in maritime training that is more than a centuryvarious pro grams to train its citizens forthe merc hant marine The united statesMerc hant Marine Academy, dedicated in 1943, represents the realization of these effortsBetween 1874 and 1936, diverse Federal legis lation supported maritime training throughFederal involvement in efficient and standardized training was needleS congress that din ngerschoolships, internships at sea and other methods A disastrousship MORRO CAStlE, in which 134 lives were loed the UCongress passed the landmark Merchant Marine Act in 1936, and two years later, the U
stablished The first training was given at temporaryfacilities until the Academy's permanent site in Kings Point, NY was acquired in early 1942Acade my began immediately, and 15 months later the task was virtuallyThe Academy was dedicated on September 30, 1943, by President Franklin D Roosevelt,noted that the academy serves the merchant marine as west point serves the army andAnnapolis the Naworld War Il required the Academy to fore go normal operation and devote all of its resourcesward meeting the emergency need for merchant marine officers Enrollment rose to 2, 700, andthe planned course of instruction was reduced in length from four years to 24 months notithstanding the war, shipboard training continued to be an inte gral part of the Acadecurriculum, and midshipmen served at sea in combat zones the world over One hundred andforty-two mid shipmen gave their lives in service to their country, and many others survivedorpedoes and aerial attacks By war's end, the academy had graduated 6, 634 officerWorld warⅡd that the Academy could successfuthe needs of a natioAs the war drew to a close, plans were made to convert the Academy's wartime curriculum tofour-year, college level program to meet the peacetime requirements of the merchant marine InAugust 1945 such a course was instituted
tature and has become one of the world ' s forin the field of maritime ed Authorization for awarding the degree of bachelor of scienceCongress in 1949; the Academy was fully accredited as a de gngranting institution that same year; it was made a permanent institution by an Act of Congress in1956The Academys national value was again recognized as it acce lerated graduating classes duringthe Korean and Vietnam conflicts, and for its involvement in such pro grams as training officersof the first us
nuc lear po wered merchant ship, the savannahAdmission requirements were amended in 1974 and the acade my became the first federaservice academy to enroll women students, two years ahead of Army, Navy, Air Force or CoastDuring the Persian Gulf conflict in early 1991, and for many months prior to the war, boAcademy graduates and midshipmen played key roles in the massive sealift of military suppliesle east Midshipmen training at sea also participated in the humanitarian sealiftSomalia in Operation Restore hopewhile the Academys curriculum has changed dramatically since 1943 to reflect thetechnolo gical ad vances of Americas merchant marine the institution has maintained itsuns weevIlMMAhas a Faculty Student-Faculty Ratio of 12: 1 The campus is 82 acres, 28 buildings; extensivewaterfront facilities; more than 100 vessels and small craft at Kings Point, Long Is land, NewYork, about 20 miles east of New York City CurriculaMarine TransportatioEMarine Engineering SystemsMarine Engineering and Ship yard ManagementMaritime Operations and Techno loLogistics and Intermodal TransportatioThe libperiodyhas accommodations for 300 readers and 180,000 volumes; special collectionscharts, archives, rare books, microfilm, microfiche, audio visualequipment, on-linedex(lInk:httpmmaedu/about/us
US Coast Guard Academyhe Us
Coast Guard Academy educates leaders of a multi-mission, maritime military forceCommissioned officers in the Coast Guard lead teams of men and women and are continuallycalled on to serve their community, country and fellow citizeWhile the united states Coast guard is notable as the o ldest life- saving service in the wordroles include more than just maritime safeard is also called upoime mobility(managementitime traffic, commerce and navigation) and national defenseThe revenue marine-1790The roots of todays Coast Guard were established in 1790 by Alexander Hami lton
About the editorMichael Erbschloe has worked for over 30 years performing analysis of theeconomics of information techno logy, public policy relating to technology, andutilizing techno logy in reengineering organization processes He has authoredseveral books on social and management issues of information techno gy thatwere published by Mc Graw Hill and other major publishers
He has also taught atseveral univers ities and developed technolo gy-related curriculum his career hasfocused on several interrelated areasTechnology strategy, analysis, and forecastingTeaching and curriculum developmentWriting books and articlesPublishing and editingPublic policy analys is and program evaluationBooks by michael ErbschloeSocial Media Warfare: Equal Weapons for All(Auerbach Publications)Walling Out the Insiders: Controlling Access to Improve Organizational Security(Auerbach Publications)Physical Security for IT(Elsevier Science)Trojans, Worms, and Spyware(Butterworth-Heinemann)Implementing Homeland Security in Enterprise IT(Digital Press)Guide to Disaster Recovery(Course TechnologySocially responsible IT Management Digital Press)Information Warfare: How to Survive Cyber Attacks(Mc Graw Hill)The Executives Guide to Privacy Management(McGraw Hill)Net Privacy: A Guide to Developing Implementing an e-bus iness Privacy PlanMcGraw hil
introductioYou can become an officer in the US military by graduating from one of the Us servicedemies are colle ges that train future commissioned officersenefits and Commitments tuition, room, and board are free you get paid while you areattending The you must serve for several years in the military after you graduate, unless you gohe merchant Marine Academy--then you have other optionsThere are five military academiesUnited States Military Academy- ArmyUnited States Naval Academy- Navy and Marine Corpsnited states Coast Guard acadeUnited States Merchant Marine AcademyUnited States Air Force AcademyHow to Get Into a Military AcademyTo be accepted intecademy except for the Coast Guard Academymust first beminated to the sc hoAUS SenatoA Us RepresentativeThe Vice President of the U
s, who can nominate app licants to any academy except theMerc hant Marine AcadeFor more information, contact your Senator, Representative or the v ice presidentHow to Get into the Coast Guard Academy: Submit an app lication directly You dont need to bnominatedThe US military operates many typehools to train members of the US military, formilitaries, and civilians in certain fields The military academies are colleges that train futureThe military alstes its own medical school the uniformed Services Univers ity of theHealth Sciences(USUHS) Students pay no tuition or fees, and receive a salary and militarySome of the mi litary schoational De fense Universityrmy War CollegeWar Co
Air Fnstitute of techno loAir UniversDefense Acquisition UniversityDefense Language InstituteNaval Postgraduate SchooDe fense information schoo(liNk:https://wwwusagov/military-collegestitem-35337The history of the United States is vast and complex, but can be broken down into moments andtime periods that divided, unified, and changed the United States into the country it is today1700-179The American Revolution(sometimes referred toAmerican War of Indep75-1783 and allowed theoriginal thirteen colonies to remain independent from Great BritainAmerican poand soldier George Washington became the first President of theUnited States in 1789 serving two termsBeginning in Great Britain in the late 1790s, the Industrial Revolution eventually madeits way to the United states and changed the focus of our economy and the way we800-1899In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson agreed to the louisiana Purchase, successfullyadding 530 million acres of land to the United States the area was purc hased froFrance for $15 million
The following year, President Jeffegned meriwetherLewis( who asked for help from william Clark)to head west and explore the newlypurchased land It took about a year and a half for the duo to reach the west coastThe american civil war divided the United States in two -the northern states versusthe southern states The outcome of the four year battle(1861States together as one who le nation and ended slavery1900-199
On December 17, 1903, brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright became the first peop le tomaintain a controlled flight in a powered, heavier-than-air machine The Wright Flyernly flew for 12 seconds for a distance of 120 feet, but their technology would change thenodern world fore verOn April 6, 1917, the United States entered World War I by declaring warGermanyAfter nearly 100 years of protests, demons trations, and sit-ins, women oStates were officially granted the right to vote after the 19th Amendment was ratified onAugust 26 1920The worst economic crisis to happen in the United S tates occurred when the stockmarket crashed in October 1929 resulting in the Great DepreWorld War Il officially begins in September 1939 after Germany invades Poland TheUnited States didnt enter the war until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor onDecember 7
1941apanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, effectively ending World War lItheOn August 6 and August 91945, the United States dropped an atomic bombAfter World War Il, an agreement was reached to divide Korea into two parts:anorthern half to be controlled by the Soviet Union and a southern half to be controlled bythe United States The division was originally meant as a temporary solution, but theSoviet Union managed to block elections that were hel to elect someone to unify totry Instead, the soviet union sent north Ketroopsacross the 38th paralleleading to the three-year long(1950-1953)Korean WarFrom 1954-1968, the African-American Civil Rights movement took place, especially inthe Southern states, Fighting to put an end to racial segregation and discrimination, themovement resulted in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting rights act, and theThe vietnam War was a nearly 20 year battle(November 1, 1955-April 30 1975)North vnd stnam North vietnthe apollo ll mission July 16-24, 1969)allowed United States astronauts NeArmstrong and Edwin "Buzz ' aldrin to become the first humans to walk on the moon 's
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, changed the United Statesthan a month later (October 7, 2001)the United states be gan the War in Afghanistan,which is still happening todayOn march 20 2003 the united States invaded andled Iraq The war lasted formore than eight years before it was officially declared over on December 18, 20In 2008
Barack Obama became the first African -American to be elected Pres ident of thenited stateperation Neptune Spear was carried out on May 2,resulting in the death of longtime al Qaeda leader Osama bin LadenLink:https:/lwwwusagov/history#titem-37632)
West pointWest Point's role in our nations his tory dates back to the Revolutionary War, when both sidelized the strate gicrtance of the commanding plateau on the west bank of the HudsoRiver General George Washington cons idered West Point to be the most important strategicposition in America Washington personally selected Thaddeus Kosciuszko, one of the heroesSarato ga, to design the fortifications for West Point inand washington trans ferred hiheadquarters to West point in 1779 Continental soldiers built forts, batteries and redoubts andxtended a 150-totraffic Fortress west pever captured by the british, despite Benedict Arnold's treason West Point is the oldestamericaSeveral sold iers and legislators, inc luding washington, Knox, Hamilton and John Adamsdes iring to eliminate Americas wartime reliance on foreign engineers and artillerists, urged thePresident Thomas Jefferson signed le gis lation estab lishing the UnitedMilitary Academyin 1802
He took this action after ens uring that those attending the Academy would bee of a democratic societyColos Thayer, the"father of the Military Academy, " served as Superintendent from1817-1833 He upgraded academic standards, instilled military disc ip line and emphasizedhonorable conduct Aware of our young nations need for engineers, Thayer made civilengineering the found ation of the curricthe first half century, USMA graduates wereponsible for the construction of the bulk of the nation's initilinharbors and roadAfter gaining experience and national recognition during the mexican and Indian wars, wesnt graduates dominated the highest ranks on both sides during the Civil War Academygraduates, headed by generals such as Grant, Lee, Sherman and Jacksohigh standards ofmilitary leadership for both the North and SouthThe de velopment of other technical schools in the post-Civil War period allowed West Point tobroaden its curriculumgineerIlowing the creation of Armyost-graduate command and staff schools, the Military Academy came to be vie wed as the firststep in a continuing Army educationIn World War I, Academy graduates again distinguished the mselves on the battlefield After thevar, Superintendent Douglas Mac Arthur sought to diversify the academic curriculumrecognition of the intense physical demands of modern warfare, Mac Arthur pushed for majorchanges in the physical fitness and intramural athletic programs "Every cadet an athlete"becaan importantAdditnt of the Honor System, long an unofficialtradition, was formalized with the creation of the cadet Honor Committee
Eisenhower, Mac Arthur, Bradley, Arnold Clark, Patton, stilnd wan impressive array of Academy graduates who met the challenge of leadership in the secoWorld War The postwar periodthe West point cesulting from the dramatic de velopments in science and technolo gy, the increasing need tounderstand other cultures and the rising level of general education in the ArmyIn 1964, President Johnson signed legis lation increasing the strength of the Corps of Cadets fro2,529to4,417(moitly reduced to 4, 000)
To keep up with the growth of the Corpsexpansion oties beAnother significant de velopment at West Point came when enrollment was opened to women inScholar justmen are a vital and inte gral part of theWest pointIn recent decades, the Academy s curricular structure was markedly changed to permit cadets tomajor in any one of more than a dozen fields, including a wide range of subjects from theemanates( Lin k: htmaedu/wphistory /SitePages/Home aspx)
Air Force AcademyThe Air Force Academy is both a military organization and a university Much of the Academyke most other Air Force bases, particularly the 1Oth Air Base wing, but thesuperintendent, commandantof faculty and cadet wing are set up in a manner resembling acivilian universityThe Superintendent is the Academy s commanding officer and is responsible for the Academysn of military training, ac adeetic and character de ve lop ment pro gramsThe Commandant oversees the 4, 400-member cadet wing and more than 300Force andcivilian support personnel and is responsible for cadet military training and Airmanshipeducation, supervising cadet life activities and pro viding support to facilities and logisticsThe Dean of Faculty commands a 700-person mission element and oversees annual coursedesign and instruction of more than 500 courses crossing 32 academic disc ip lines and directs theoperation of five support staff agencies and faculty resources involving more than $250 millioThe loth air base wmprises more than 3, 000 military, civilian and contract personnelengineering, communications, lo gistics, military and civilian personnel, financialmanagement services and the clinic for a military community of ab25000pThe United States Air Force Academy was established April 1, 1954, the culmination of an ideathat had beenin the making airpower leaders long before the air Force waservice, had argued that they needed a school, ded icated to war in the air, at which to train theountry's future Airmen After September 1947, when the air Force was established as aseparate service, this idea finally had the legitimacy of the new service behindIn 1948 the air force appointed a board
later named the stearns- Eisenho wer board for itschairmen, to study the existing military academies and to study the options for an Air ForceAcademy Their conc lus ions were strongly put: the Air Force needed its own school, and theyrecommended additionally that at least 40 percent of future officers be service academyAfter Congress passed the bill estab lishing the Air Force Academy, the secretary of the Air Forceappointed a commission to recommend a location After traveling 21,000 miles and cons ideringhundreds of sites all over the country, the commission recommended Colorado Springs as its firsthoice The secretary agreed, and the purchasing of the thousands of acres began The state ofColorado contributed SI million to the purchase of the landOn July 11, 1955, the same year construction began in Colorado Springs, the first class of 306men was sworn in at a temporary site, Lowry Air Force Base, in Denver Lt Gen Hubert r