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b EliteCONVERTIBLE ULTRABOOKffering the best of both worlds, the convertible allowsers to change their notebook into a tablet and adaptto working needs Benefitting from the weight savingsand increased battery life of the ultrabook, thishas added versatility It is ideal for anyone who wantsABLETto sit and work but also needs to stand up and deliverThis highlyspirationpresentationsfrom the smartphone market by utilisTop five tipslack of a physicalDepending on price, users could find compromiseskeyboard may well compromise productivity butmade, often in regards to the ability to fully twistmanufacturers have bolstered security and therotate the screen, hide or protect the keyboardability to pair with peripheral devices to add moreith thee power and storage requirements areTop five tipsenough-it can be difficult or impossible to upgradeafter purchasDecide on whether you need 4G connectivitythe OS tailored for tablet or notebook modeas previously impacted usability when switchingrchase as thisbe an add-on optionalthough the release of Wishould providegreater comfort in both formsConsider storage carefully
Cloud servicestyping is a priority, make sure the keyboardare an option but, in the event of connectivityergonomics have not been compromisedhow much storage is required?pnmarywill be in tablet modAithough Bluetooth keyboards can beextra weight of the keyboard couldpurchased separately, if there isconvenience, Would a tablet be better?typing to be done would a convertibleFile management, access to VPNs andited- consider whether these will bewill always be exposed, Buying a case is aroption as are other peripheral accessoriesbut they come at additionalDaniel Barham, HP mobility business development manages as transformative for businesses as the intenet was inthe 90s At HP we see this as an evolution that will forever alter the way we operate, the way we do business and even theway we interact as a society, Mobility is a "New Style of IT" that is changing the world we live in and moulding the futureMobility should be a tool for your organisation, not a BYOD nuisance With true business mobility, retailers can enhance theicustomers' experience and close sales Healthcare providers can give patients higher-quality care without constraints andnanufacturing organisations can empower their employees with rugged water, dust and drop-resistant devices HP is enablingigh-performance, businessgrade mobile computing that is secure and manageable across Windows or Androienvironments, Supported by a full complement of accessories and services these devices are allowing businesuntether workflows, get work done anywhere and interact with customers in a whole new wayProband Group Magazine
ProductsThe future ofby Sandra vogefreelance technologyoffice printingjournalistSandra vogel fakes a looat the evolution of printersnto multifunction deviceshe paperless office that's been just arounder since computerse 1980s has long been talked about but hasever fully materialised Instead, as our working habitsve evolved, printers have kept paceThe growing popularitybile working, combinedith thethan paper, has meantnformationons manageraround 50%o less paper than the generation before themAs working from tablets, laptops and even handsetsSteve Mitchelwhat isequired is, "thConnected devicesDriving business growthfunction Devices(MFDs)whichscan pantbusiness
Indeed some see their future as a driver forand connect to services like Dropbox, Google Driveand the corporate cloud, Kyocera's Cloud Connect, forranis Thornhill, product marketing manager at Canonexample, built around the company's Hy PAS (Hybridbelieves that during the next two or three years we willPlatfom for Advanced Solutions) platform, enablessee, "the development of automated processes andcorporate wideapically agnosticworkflows that put the combination of device and softwaredirect from the printerreless access to MFDS, alreadye gives some examples: "Customer on-boarding anddestined to become ee widespread and variedenrolment processes will be more streamlined, with MFDsNFC, Wi-Fi Direct, Apple's AirPrint and Google Cloudautomatically verifying the data and extracting the relevantPrint sit well with the growing pretBring yonformation and feeding it into different business channelswwn Device(BYOD) policies in many organisationsfurther processingWeb connected printers are also a natural fit BrothersThornhill adds that MFDs areelping to speedp workflow within organisations andowing employees to spendprint directly from cloud-based servicesfocusing on their core responsibilitiesand removing the need to log onto a desktop device
Don't getinx product manager,sWept alongexplains what's reallyby the hype buying tabletsResearch by the British Educational Supplsites likes Amazon, attitudes are changing This hasAssociation(BESA) has revealed three quartersne a key consideration, as schools can now buysecondary schools are now providing pupils with accesshree of these lower priced tablets for the price of onepremium product -without sacrificing any featuresThe same report claimed, however, that many schave faced issues integrating tablet3 Connectivityconnectivity seen as a key issWhen using a tablet in an educational setting, thereThere are of course huge advantages to deployinga huge advantage if the device can easily connect tetablets- price, portability and ease of use being justejector or a larger screen If students want to giveBut when schools and colleges buy in bulk theycollaborate in numbers connectioneir tablet of choice fits easily with theihas to be quick andFor this
the device needssufficiencurrent infrastructuo ensure tablets are used to their full potential there area few important practicalWhen buying a tablealso want to checkany accessories such as keyboards and cases areThe operating systemreasonably priced and don't end up chewing a holethe IT budoalways the first consideration After all, theoperating systems used by premium priced tablets have4 Infrastructureever conformed to the standard Windows environmentcommon across educational institutions and the world owhen deploying any device that it fitsbusiness in generalour existing infrastructure If youet the emergence of Windows tablets has changed thisis with the new device? Can the device connect toand removed a crucial stumbling block to tablet useshared facilities, such as the print service, and joinWindows 10 allowsless movement and a familiaritymain without complications? These are all majorbetween all forms of cg-smartphone, tabletconsiderations that should not be neglected as theycan make a huge difference to functionality and theWith a device like0, for example, you alsoability totablefull OSbile versiondownload any software they like and they don't have tores an app for that2 Pricetablet brandsthey investoducts are often deliberately over-pnced to create asense of exclusivity For schools and colleges, working如自非within a budget, they cannot afford to be swept alongwith the hype -especially when the only difference to aer priced brand may be the resoProband Group Magazine 13
ProductsWindows 10Good news for business usersYbe eagle eyerelevantwho wanted to work from thetest operating system(OS) What has happenedWindows store apps in both modesto Windows 9This should make those apps a lot more relevanindows 10 is all down to a little-known piece of codentroduce avirtual desktop feature whichegacy appls used to detect whether the computerallow you to have multiple desktops run on ones on windows 95 or Windows 98, which could createreen that you can switch between as easily aspatibility issues Others speculate ithave beend switch between different applications
Microsoft's significant presence in Japan that put themSo with all these improvements in place, shoulthe number nine- a figure widely regarded to bebe looking to upgrade to Windows 10plucky in Japanese cultureWhatever the reWindowsOS has made aMark says: " We never advise anybody to upgradenumber bengaging withaight away Certainly in our expebusiness customers-following criticism its predecessotter to let other people take a look at the bugsThere is a difference with Windows 8 though, whereMicrosoft is taking a dramatically different tack here andthere was a lot of fear and a lot of unpredictabilityvery much wanting to re-engage with those businessaround the OS There is significantly less of that walcustomers, listening to customer feedback far more thanwhen you're moving to windowsthey were doing with Windows 8, said MarkIcomm IT consultantIt's going to have the Start menu, it's going to havethe desktop, it's going to work exactly the wayOne of the biggest headlines which followed the launchbusinesses need it to work without that learningbeen Microsoft's decision to bring back the much-ve that would be a bamer to adoptionoved stwith its familiar and popular programs istor staff and users within a businesAnother major developis Microsoftmputer users, for example, will noticethe system switch more fluidly between afull screen tablet Ul and the desktop withcertainly a big step forwards for userwho have a hybrid laptop where you cann o 0 ed4flip, re-attach or detach a keyboardwill allow them to flip between these twomodes of tablet and desktopeasily than in Windows 8, Mark said▲Microsoft has also tackled criticism thatstore apps in Windows 8 were largelyProband group Magazine
a desktop formodern timeseelance technologyjournalistAs computing devices becomCovering the basicscreasingly tailored to differenworking, Sandra VogelFor all the exc tement of products likeSprout, mostbased workersrelatively basic computing needs builound writing documentsA29 fall in the value of the marketsolutions, desktop computers are perhapsduring 2014, and it expects thisre powerful than necessary for everydane to continue as 'the dmobile computing contiDespite Mini PCs have become an option for thoserace for these formerlyseeking a traditional desktop PC typebiquitous machinesarrangementPCs come in tinbut have SSD storage or hard drives, goodiving up on the desktop anytimeinternal specificatons, wireless connectivitydo they intend to leave alland plenty of ports for wired connectionsA complexase However these mini PCs can becomputingrelatively expensive and may still offer morepower than many of us needComputer makers are aware of theStick computingcomplexity of the modern busAs an alternative, Lenovo recently unveiledcomputing landscape, and theieacentre Stick 300, to be priced atial imperative is pushing them9 at its Us launch later this year Withto produce products that are closernity features and the ability tosuited to market requirementsThomas feels the Stick is particularly suiteoduct developers are focusingcampus style environments "Manyking their machines more nichers only need to work at their destinationor example, Graham Thomas, lead and don' t need a mobile device that allowsethnologist at Lenovo UK& Irelathem to work on the move, he says
says, "Lenovo is making desktopsenovo is not alone in the stick approasmaller and smaller They can be used Dells director of client solutions amilto drvea 1 and be Nathoo says, "We have seen high interestfitted into the boot of a policein our computestick offeringthe other end of the scale, HPbecause it delivers extreme mobility withually named creation, Sprouthas incorporated 3Dreliability all at a low coAsecond interactive display where theAs such the ideal office environment ofkeyboard normally sits The advertising the future could be one leverages theblurb says Sprout is"a revolutionaryoud and allows all workers to-one computer and 3D scannerve around work spaces withthat makes it easy to go from thoughttheir computer on a keyringexpression in an instantProband Group Magazine 15
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Business transformationlivn g in an era ofde-riskingdigitalgtransformationWith digital continuing to shake up traditional industries, Markamuels talks to the clos wladdressing leadership challengesDisruptive is the latest buzz phrase to take thetry by storm The theory suggests that astrong revenues and profits, with little or no incentiveconfluence of factors-including rapid economicto innovate beyonmental improvements in thelchange and the rise of digital technology- has created theofferings," he says " Their main focus is on growingrfect storm for new market entrants and new markets tetheir business by selling more of what they already dodevelop But embracing and de-risking this transfoand, as a result, they are unlikely to think about doingare keythings differently, ordifferent things They haveal individuals and businessesbecome comfortable and are reluctant to do amythingmixture of cnobile, big data and social technologyat threatens their current revenue streamschallenge long-established firms, sectors and waysBut then a company- often a new entrant to theof working Such is the scale of change that 2015 couldmarket-takes a different perspective and usesas the year of disruptive innovation
this alternative approach to createfferingDC suggests Europe is at a tippingterms of digitalThis could be by finding new ways to meet existingtransfomation The researcher says markets in all sectorcustomer needs or identifying additional needs that arere being disrupted by digital technology and a range ofative accelerators, such as the Internet of Thingsentrants use technology to enable their busadvanced robotics and wearable computingmodelsalso says 2015 is the year of disruptionsuggesting customer behaviours are changing and thatsuggests, the businesses that have responded besttransfom their approach in order to surviveo disruptive innovation are those that have embracedIT leadersdigital technologies to offer new services and productsmplementation, must take note and respond accordinglyto their customers, Online letting specialist Airbnb, forexample, has redefined the accommodation rentalow is disruptive innovationsector Uber has created similar levels of disruption inthe transportation sector, creating a technologympacting on organisationsthat has been valued as much as $50band clos?ay of meeting theirneeds, and start to switch their businessFormer CIO turned digital advisor lan Cox is an expert onhen the market is being disrupted bydisruptive innova
WelcomePeter RobbinsManaging Director, Probrand Groupof very positive feedback andThis development is still being met with trepidation by some,ur partners, customers andwith many wondering if cloud solutions are a threbroader readershipdelighted to welcome you tonternal jobs This is certainly not the case Theressue 3 one year on from the launch of oThe last twelve months havesignificant developmenbut we need to consider all those services that businessesrket, technology and Governmentave dreamed about implementing, yet couldn't due totransforming the way we live, work and interactbudget constraints Well, with cloud, the deployment iswith each otherdone for you and the costs are spread Moreoverbusinesses can get productivity software on-tap, while IT'sThroughout this edition we review new technologies whicjob has been elevated to that of a consultant or projectare helping organisations to manage change in a positivemanager delivering huge business impact and the plauditsway
Our Product section (p6-15)takes a look at sevethat come with that Our Infrastructure section (p42-46)devices, such as desktops and printers, which haveexplores several current trends and how organisationsdapted to accommodate these new ways of workingfacilitating these solutionsne with theerisation ohave alsoWith the rising dollar rate impacting on our ability to buyhe employees contributionestate extend beyondproducts in recent months, it's essential that procurementerated appprofessionals make budgets go further thisbusiness kicking in Quocirca's Rob Bamforth elaborateson thismass participation and crowd-sourced technologyIn this edition, Gary Price offers advice on the best wayson page 20absorb the impact of fluctuating currency (p22) We aleveal surprising research that shows some buyers aretrend hasbespoke appspaying up to 920% mark-up on IT (p24) and Spend Maw more accessible than ever before and our cover articleditor, Peter Smith talks innovation in procurement (p29)(p17)looks at how disruptive innovation like this is beingized upon by businesses and IT leaders alike We alsoOn that poitive IT Index marketplace isexamine how these developments are helping to drive thed delivering personalised catalorowth of smart cities(p30)and changing attitudbuyers by sector We ve also rolled out our award-winningdigital transformation in the public sector (p34)KnowledgeKube aAas, using Microsoft Azure to deploy toa global customer baseany of these innovationve been fuelled by thecontinued growth of ' third platform technologies -clotNow is a great time to be passionate about technologymobile, big data and social media These technologyope you find that this edition shares that passionmega trends have become a concurrent layer influencing7Managing Director, Probrand Group
ContentsNewsDrivingchnology research in briefnnovationProducts30 Realising the potential of smartcities and urban communities06 Tracking the IT product marke08 Should analyst predictions affect 34 Changing attitudes to digitalovation0 Mobile computing devices2 The future of office printingSecurit3 Don't get swept along by hype 36 Never be too paranoid winetwork securitydesktop for modern times38 How to train employees inBusinessTransformation40 Security reviewed innumbers and words20 CrowdthinkingInfrastructureSupply Chainbackup strategy22 The sawy buyer43 Mitigating risk when migrating to24 Know your margiBenchmarking helps South44 Infrastructure reviewed inStaffordshire colnumbers and wordsProcurement46 Cutting the cord8 What next for public sector ICProband Groupafter the General Election?29 Innovation in Procurement8 What we offerContact216051000enquiries@proband coviews, analysis and informationn pivotal subjects relevantprocurement and business leaderslooking to thrive with technologyjects tackledany you would like to read aboutwwwprobrand
Newsechnology research in briethird of small businessesFour fifths of businessesbelieve BYOD poses no risksee healthy rol from loesearch by Kaspersky Lab has found that a third ofnall business owners believe bring your own deviceesult of investments in the internet ofgs(oT), a survey(BYOD) poses no risk to their companyfrom Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has revealedThe report said that, although BYOD is now a widelyccepted business practice, more than four fifths ofultinationals, found that those who have investedSMEs have no interest in managing information securityhave seen an average revenue increase of 156% NatarajanChandrasekaran, CEO and MD of TCs, said: "The age ofKonstantin Voronkov, Kaspersky Labs head ofis well underway The question is, whether businesseendpoint product management, said: "The loss ofare ready to realise the full potential of this technologyimportant coporate data via personal devices is aoccurence, and a negligent attitude towardthe security of mobile devices couldserous riskWearables move from consumea company's businesniche to enterprise tooSmart watches and other wearable devices could soon find aUK cloud adoption ratewelcome home in enterprise, according to 451 Researchreaches 84%The analyst said the release of the Apple Watch had opened theWell over four fifths of uK businesses have nowflood gates in regards to wearable adoption " Now that the riveradopted some form of cloud service, according tois running it's less about where it will end and more about wheree Cloud Industry Forum (CIF)and when- to start
We expect wearable technology to deliverThe industry body 's survey of senior IT and businessdecision makers in both the public and private$, said Ryan Ma put into the Industrial Intemet of ThingsMartin, loT and wearable technologies analystsector found there had been an 8% increasecloud adoption since last June Alex Hilton, CEO ofCIF, said: "Cloud computing has comeg wain just a few short years Cloud has moved frome edge of the IT estate to its centre, and it islargely regarded as just another way that we dospending on the upas leaders look to boostrevenuesber of IT leaders plannispending has risen sharply this year, accordingThe poll oecutives found thatthreeto boosor discretionaryspendp from just under half (47%)lastEmerging technologies are the key to enterprisenovation Emerging tech vendors should take thise to showcase how their agile and innovativetechnology solutions can help busines
Productsacking theproductmarketDominic Ashford, ofby Dominic Ashfordleading market researchcompany GfK, takes ashow thatlook at the II productare continuinvest in areas that facilitatemarket to review the latestta Investments in several key productsuch astrends and forecast thesoftware, networking and storage, resulted in a healthyfuture of product buyingbusiness-to-business market in the third quarter of015 As a result, the value of sales increased by 20%compared to the same quarter of last year In this buoyantmarket, vendors have also been able to re-engage withthe market in areas previously seen as challengingStorageBeing able to access data rapidly and securely is absolutely keyhe modern age as organisations look to facilitate increasedremote working and bring-your-own-device policies
This has ledto high growth in two of the key areas within the storage segmentnamely Solid State Drives (SSD) and Network-Attached StorageThe importance of businesses having rapid access to data wdemonstrated during the third quarter by significant growth in thevalue of the B2B SSD market-which increased 35% between Os2014 and Q3 2015 Similarly, the value of NAS in Q3 2015 washigher than in the third quarter of 20The averageof NAs devices sold in the B2B channel alincreased by 35% year-on-year which shows that companies arehigh-end solutions Manufacturers, distributorsand resellersking to push this product area asConversely, the pnce of SSD is declining, with a fall of-8% Q303 With higher capacities now more established for this marketrcing will be key for this storage segment as the market matures
Demand for all-in-onedesktops grew by25%Computing and PrintingOverall decline inMobile computing (such as laptops) has grown 24% year-on-yeardesktop computingby the preloadWindows 10 on devices Although therehave beendecline in thecomputing channelnobile computingwith desktop computing and tablets continuing to decliaptos and tabletsin 2015 Similarly, the sales value of print hardware declined by0% over the same time
This suggests that these markets arebeing impacted by lengthening replacement cycles, as well as thegrowth of managed services and the cloudHowever, vendors are rising to the challenges they face in thismarket and developing new product areas which are seeingcassis and the monitor are one unit) grew in value by 25% yearon-year The growth of this form factor is likely driven by aestheticor space considerations fromesses and shows there is stilan appetite in the market for the right products Furthermorein recent months traditional computing has returned totail channels suggesting that hardware mayalso follow suit for B2B overallNetworkingThe growth for networking reflects the ongoing needprocess significantfrom the fact that in Q3 2014, largeenterprise switches (above eight ports) accounted forPrice that switches9 of the value of B2B networking and by a3 2015 thiswere sold at8% The average price that these switches47%period, demonstrating that businesses are investingmore comprehensive networking solutions and areprepared to pay a premium for them
ProductsShould analystby Gary PricepredictionsProband product andaffect buverthe first ever edition of the Proband magazine,published a year ago, analysts Gfk forecast that tabletputers sales would stop growing and remain staticbehaviour?ver the next 12 months Until that point we had witnessedunfaltering rapid increase in this device marketGary Price discussesad hit the shelvesthe value of predictionsThe test of time proved Gfk partially nght-sales did stopgrowing, but where they got it wrong was that sales actuallythe buying processell into decline Nonethelessthe spotlight on this market and identify the problems it wascing It said that'productivity and the fact that working ontablets is a 'large step changed put the brakes on salesruth the tablet market has become saturated Most peoplewho want a tablet now have one, and with the productssting longer than was previously predicted, fewer thaiexpected tablets are being replaced But the productivityproblem was a factor
The increased popularity ofconvertible devices, such as the Lenovo Yoga and HPsRevolve, which can flip between being a notepad and aalysts do a good job in highlighting thesetypes of issues and identifying trends in the IT market Forany IT buyer, it is well worth listening to what they have tosay, Although what they say should form part of a largerconversationunderstand how product specifications are changing to bettermeet the needs of individuals within an organisatiWhen Lenovo first brought out the Yoga, the product washampered by itshe glass screen was just toheavy This may seem a small thing but the consequenceode Tablets still held the advantage as the ultimateportable computing device The next generation Yogaowever, was much lighter and more appropriate for mobileworkerspopularty arother manufacturers following suit to create lighter productsis only by reviewing the specifications and by talkingto vendors and their channel partners that we begiunderstand how the features of a device will be practicallyed when in bue The analysts will castspotlight but it is up to the IT buyer to examine the detailsAnd ask the question, is it really better towith whatnew designs and the latest technological advances
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ProductsChoosinge ngmobilecomputingdeviceWith an ever-expanding range of mobile computing products, choosingthe right device in an evolving market can be a real challenge前可 which sound competing- ULTRABOOKbut, instead of berbe concentrating on the end user What are their urgent requirements- portability,Coined by Intel in 2011, the termconnectivitymputing power? When using their device, how much will theyuitrabook' describes high-endve around? Do they need to hook up devices,notebooks that have removed bulof storage or just acceshout compromising battery life Usito help IT buyers make purchasing decisions, we've taken a look at four of theCore processors thesemain mobile computing categories and assessed their pros and consevices have axedal drives andd solid-state drives withibodyassis to reduce size
The laptop ofBUSINESS NOTEBOOKice for those who want power andportability, they are best suitePacked with power and peruting device could beworker who spendstheir timeewed as the ideal desktop replacement They are suitable for theoccasional mobile user who may take their laptop to a meeting room oren use premium mccasionally visit a customer off-site Specifically designed to be a greateek design suited to those who valtall-rounder, they should be able to cope with whatever the user throwstyle in their techat it It should take connectivityits stride and accommodateprojectors, printers and other peripheralsTop five tipsop five tipsthe end user is not going to beHow much moving around is needed? If this is more thairovideoccasional it might be worth looking at a lightweight alternativee same functionality for lessorage is needed, especially if yourcompany uses cloud storage servicesports and appropriate connectionderestimate computing powercables for penpheral devicesquirements Upgrading later may be costlyOptical drives are increasingly beings best to test typing before buyingremoved from these devices, so if burningProBook 450files on disc is necessary, makemove you'll need to ensure suitablere the notebook has this capabilityMake certain the notebook canWhile Intel has a set limit foreasily connect to other devicesckness, weight isn't regulaterMake sure the uitrabook is as light