Dvorkin and o dvorkinReviewersBasics of concrete sof Komono P2006-692 pagesDoct prof krivenko pABopKMH, OABopKNHOCHOBbIDoct Prof y sheroy-Marshak abeTOHOBeAeHIA", CaHKT-nleTepbyOCCMA,M3ACTpoM-beTOH, 2006, 692 cSBN590319702-7ABSTRACtened basic aspects of scientific concreteeThere is given summary ofmodern ideas about hardening and structure-forming of cement stone and concrete, rheologicaland technological properties of concrete mixes, strength, strain and other properties, whichdetermine concrete operate reliability and durability there are considered basic types of normalweight cement concrete, lightweight and cellular concrete, non-cement mineral binders concretemortarshe book is addressed to students and post-graduate students of construction specialties of highereducational establishments, scientists and technologistsBASIC MONOGRAPHS OF AUTHORS1 LI Dvorkin"Optimum Design of Concrete Mixtures", Lvov, Usha Skola, 1981, 159 p(RusDvorkinv
Solomatoy VN vS M Chydnovski"Cement Concrete with MAdmixtures", Kiev, BydiveInik, 1991, 137 p(Rus)3 Ll Dvorkin, OLDvorkin"Effective Cement- Ash Concrete", Rivne, Eden, 1999, 195 p(Rus)4OLDvorkin Design of Concrete Mixtures(Bases of Theory and Methodology )" RivneNUWMNR, 2003, 265 p (Rus)5V LBolshakov, L LDvorkin"Building Materials", Dniepropetrovsk, Dnipro-VAL, 2004, 677 p (Rus6 V Bolshakov, L I Dvorkin, O L Dvorkin"Bases of Theory and methodology of Multi-ParametricalDesign of Concrete Mixtures", Dniepropetrovsk, PGASA, 2006, 360 p (Rus7L IDvorkin, O L Dvorkin Building materials from wastes of industry ", Rostov-na-Dony, Phenics2007,363p(Rus)
CONTENTSreword62CoConcrete Raw materials63 Permeabil11 Concrete Genera6 4 Corrosion resistance12 Binders Classification Nature of binding properties7 Design of normal concrete mixture3 Portland cement and its types71 General and tasksPo7 2 Selection of raw materials and admixtur5 Concrete aggregates7 3 Calculations of basic parameters of concrete mixture16 Admixtures7 4 Correction of design concrete compositionsConcrete mixturespes of concre21 Structure and rheological properties22 Technological properties of8 2 High-strength concrete23 Consolidating(compaction) c83 Polymer-impregnatet concreteConcrete hardening and structure-forming31
Hardening and structure of cement stone85 Special concrete32 Influence of aggregates on forming of concrete structure9 Light-weight concreteconcrete structure formingorganic porous aggregates9 2 Design of lightweight concrete with porous aggregates4 Concrete streng93 Concrete on the basis of organices of strength and mechanism of destruction(wood)aggregates42 Law(rule)of water-cement ratio94 No-fines and aerated concrete4 3 Adhesion between aggregates and cement stor95 Cellular concrete4410crete on the bofclinker bindconcreMortars and dry pack mixe5 Kinds of strength Tests for concrete streng5 Deformations of concrete0 2 Slag and fly-ash concrete51 Concrete deformations at short-term load3 Slag-alkaline concret52 Concrete deformation atm load Creep0 4 Gypsum concrete53 Own dations Concrete shrinkag05 Morta6 Concrete resistance to temperature-humidity influence06 Dry pack mixesCorrosion resistance61 Frost resistance of concrete3
d worker of science and technics of ukraine acadelAcademy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Headof Department of Buildal Science of National University of Water Managementand Nature Resources(Ukraine)Prof, l dvorkin is an author ofs of researches, monographs, manuals, textbooksand reference bookss researches and scientific works are mainly devoted to chemistry and technologybinders and concrete, saving of resources in building materials production
Oleg Dvorkin- Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Department of BuildingMaterial Science of National University of Water Management and Nature ResourcesraineO
Dvorkin is an author of a series of researches, monographs and textbooks Hisesearches and scientific works are mainly devoted to concrete technology and savingesources in building materials production5
EFRENon the manuscript of bookscript of boof doct of tech, science preDvorkin andof doct of Tech Science Prof L Dvorkin andDoct of Tech Science o DvorkinDoct of tech science DvorkinBasics of concretow concrete science became oneering sclencemodern construction technology is based
a largebody of literas devoted
to certain problems and sectionsThe series of editions educational chiefly prepared byis connection famous monographs of v Ramachandran, ANeville, F Lee, A Sheykin and other authors should be mentionedityChapter"Concrete science" in educational literature is adduced inhe works where modern theoreticalals of that sciencconcrete and reinforced concrete technology(manuals ofwould be generalized and accessibly stated The book prepared bypecialists Doctors of Technical Science, Professorsioned that the book presented can beme that makes preparation of the bocconsidered as in-depth course of concrete science basics whichday Discipline subject is studying of concrete structure and propertieschip- students, post-graduateand influence of various factors on themstudents scientists and teAuthors of the book under review attempted to solve this problemStructure of the course suggested is appeared to be straigThe book consists of 10 chapters, comprising main subjects of materialenough: authors sequentially enlighten peculiarities of rawscience and enlighting qualitative peculiarities of raw materials atmaterials, rheological and technological properties of concreteadmixtures, chemical and physite structureof concrete structure forming, its influence onstrength, deformability, concrete resistance to physical anddurability, types of cement and mostly wide-spread non-deeply enough the issues of concreteand shrinkagthe same time deep enough recital of the data, generalization of wideAccessible logical recital, wide range of the problemsexperimental data, accent on the problems of forecasting andlization of wide experimental data obtained bymanagement of concrete properties, theirdingo our opinion the book appeared to be full-blooded and originalative dependences arecharacteristicAlong with classical statements there are enlightened modern data andHonoured worker of science of russia, Academician ofDoct of Tech Science, Professor Director of scientific andRussian Academy of Architecture and civil Engineeringesearch Institute of Binding Materials at Kiev National Universityof civil Engineering and ArchitectureBuilding Materials and Technologies"of st-Petersburg StateP V KRIVENKOUniversity of communication linesFOREWORDL
Dvorkin and o Dvorkin
Modern concrete science is dynamically developed applied science which subjectis studying of structure and properties of the composite materials received atg of binders and aggregateshe primary goal of concrete science is working out the theory of producing ofth given properties, maintenance of their working capacity andnecessary durability in structures and constructions at influence of servicefactorsConsidering many-sided nature of concrete science, huge luggage of theoreticalworkings out and the practical experience, saved up by present time, thestatement of concrete science essentials is an uneasy problemBy preparation of the book authors pursued the goal to shine well and at thesame time without excessive simplification such sections of concrete science asstructure of a cement stone and concrete, its basic properties and types, designof concrete mixtures Principal views of noncement concrete and mortars areconsidered in short alsole offered book as authors hope, can be used not only by students of buildingspecialities of universities, but also to be useful to post-graduate studentsscientists, a wide range of technologistsAuthors are grateful to reviewers: Prof P Komohov, Prof P
Krivenko and proAYsherov-Marshak for valuable advices and remarks: and also phDN Lyshnikova who have assisted in preparation of presentation
Dvorkin and o Dvorkin
Concrete science is a science about concrete, its types, structure andproperties, environmental impact on it Concrete science develops in process ofdevelopment of construction technology, improving of experimental methods ofesearchConcrete application in civil engineering can be divided conventionally intosome stages1 The antique2 Application of a hydraulic lime and roman cement3
Portland cement technology formation and plain concrete application4 Mass application of concrete for manufacturing of reinforced concreteconstructions5 Application of concrete for manufacturing of prestressed and precastreinforced concrete constructions6 Wide use of concrete of the various types modified by admixtures