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2013 Vehicle Technologies Market Report

2013 Vehicle Technologies Market Report


A 178 page resource commissioned by the US Department of Energy on the environmental and economic implication, energy usage, technology, policies in the light vehicles and heavy trucks market for 2013.

Progress in U S Government Information Technology

Progress in U S Government Information Technology


This eBook covers U.S. Government activities in Big Data, Quantum Computing, Blockchain Technology, Cloud Computing, The Internet of Things, Additive Manufacturing, Telemedicine and Telehealth, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Facial Recognition Technology, Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Open Source, Cybersecurity, and Efforts to Manage E-Waste.

Optimize Variant Product Design Based on Component Interaction Graph

Optimize Variant Product Design Based on Component Interaction Graph


An overview in product variety design methodologies through the computational design optimization methods, and developing product architecture under the support of information technologies. It aims at providing product designers a rational and systematic methodology in dealing with product variety from both qualitative and quantitative viewpoints.